In a Spin

Even though I’m later to bed, I’m still early to rise and off with a hop, skip and a jump to the gym for my weekly torture, oops, I mean training, session with Kathy! We lay off the boxing today and just throw some weights around which makes a refreshing change. Just as my arms are about to fall off, Kathy lets me loose on the brand new spin bikes that have just arrived at the gym. I only have to do a 3 minute sprint but jeez, it’s hard. I don’t know what to do first; chuck up or chuck it in. Luckily, I do neither and remind myself that I either go hard or go home and cross the  virtual finish line, exhausted but exhilirated.

I stagger home in the style of Bambi and then set off for work for a rest! The day is pretty action packed but at least I get a chance to meet Tanya for lunch. Even though we work in the same office and have the same schedule, we hardly ever get to touch base so I really appreciate the quality time together even if it is only short, but sweet!

Back at home, I make some effort to restore the spare room to it’s former splendour and glory and then do my damndest to trash the kitchen. I’ve got a date with the doctors tomorrow and I can’t possible go empty handed. I decide to try the Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins from my favourite cookbook A Generous Helping. These recipes are well loved and well tested and they always work a treat. Plus muffins are easy, quick and very yummy on the tummy.  The doctors will have their cake and eat it!

I just have time for a quick change before I head out for an evening of girly gossip with Tracey. I haven’t seen her for ages and it’s cool to catch up over a nice glass of wine and a delicious dinner that I don’t have to cook myself!