Taking Stock – March 2020

Taking stock May 2020

I love this picture of Teddy Roosevelt, he looks like I feel! 

I know we’re well into April here but March was massive and went from hero to zero pretty fast. Now that March has passed, I’ve had a few days to stay home, take stock and reflect on the most unusual month that was. If you have a spare five minutes, why don’t you grab a cuppa and join me?

Disclaimer: I make no apologies for the above average number of puppy pictures (even by my generous standards)  in this post because I don’t know about you but I need all the warm and fuzzies (or furries) I can get right now! 

Packing: Lunch boxes. Isolation Lunch Boxes are totally a thing at our place.

isolation lunch box

Ordering: Take away – I don’t have to cook and we get to support our local favourites – it’s a win, win!

Cooking: Some of these delicious dinners that you can make from a handful of freezer and pantry staples.

Filling: The freezer with our favourites. Every time I open the door, there’s a frozen food avalanche!

Drinking: A glass of wine or beer – it’s for medicinal purposes. Well, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it! 

Revamping: Old recipes and making them new again. Our current favourite is this Vegetable Shepherd’s Pie.

vegetable shepherds pie spoon

Getting: My tax done and feeling like I’m acing adulting although it seems so irrelevant right now. 

Reading: The Rosie Project – such a joy to read.

Listening: To 80’s tunes while I workout at home. 

Watching: The latest season of Grace and Frankie and the complete series of The Tiger King  on Netflix. 

Wondering: Are those Tiger King characters for real?

Starting: And finishing our first jigsaw puzzle, luckily before ScoMo made his jigsaw announcement because now you can’t get a puzzle for love nor money!

finished disney puzzle

Finding: Joy in the little things.

Thinking: How much our world has changed in a month. 

Knowing: That coronanxiety is totally a thing. 

Needing: To stop watching the news. It sends my coronanxiety off the charts.

Taking: My temperature every day. 

Washing: My hands like it’s going out of fashion.

Predicting: That at the end of all this, my moustache is going to rival Hercule Poirot’s!

Feeling: Like I’m on the set of a sci-fi movie. Feeling very anxious but at the same time very grateful. 

Waking: Up every morning (and often in the middle of the night) and hoping that this is just a dream.

Pondering: If anyone else has Corona dreams… Or is it just me?!

Hoping: That after all this is over, we humans will be kinder and more compassionate.

Adjusting: My mindset to this new normal. I think we’re in this for the long haul. 

Coveting: More books. I’m terrified I’ll be locked down without books to read. First world problem, I know!

isolation book stack

Loving: Being home 24/7 with David and Teddy Roosevelt. 

Worrying: Not about me, but the greater ‘we.’ 

Staying: At home. It’s the only place to be right now. 

Setting: Up a home office for David. Teddy Roosevelt is office manager obviously!

home office

Cleaning: As if my life depends on it.

Checking: In and sharing cake with friends and neighbours. 

Sharing: My top tips for how to survive and thrive in isolation. I’m practising what I preach.;

Missing: My mum – it’s horrible being so far away but I’m grateful for technology that keeps us connected. 

Buying: Canine couture and a doggy car seat for Teddy. How smart does he look in his sweater?

Kmart dog jumper

Starting: And then pausing dog training with Teddy Roosevelt – it’s as much about training the humans as it is about training the hounds. 

Smiling: At Teddy with his siblings in the good old days before Corona! Aren’t they the cutest?

puppy siblings

Playing: Fetch with Teddy Roosevelt.

Marvelling: That Teddy Roosevelt is 8 months old – he brings us such joy! 

Snapping: 2624 pictures of Teddy. Well, I haven’t counted exactly but I think it’s a fair estimate! 

Walking: With Teddy while dog walks are still a legitimate reason to get outdoors. 

walkies Teddy Roosevelt

Booking: And then cancelling our road trip up the coast to Queensland. 

Catching: Up in person with good friends from the UK before Coronavirus really took hold.

Exercising: Via zoom with my personal trainer Kathy. My bedroom is now doubling as my gym. 

zoom virtual training

Enjoying: Virtual catch ups with friends over drinks – it’s not as good as the real thing but I’ll take what I can get.

Liking: Speaking to my friends more often – it makes the world feel so much smaller and me much more connected. 

Disliking: People who don’t follow the rules. It’s not that hard.

Following: @dogsworkingfromhome on Instagram – it’s a great antidote to the weird world outside.


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Remembering: To count my blessings. I have a lot to be grateful for. 

Looking: Forward to the “one day” when we can all go outside together, laugh, hug and hold hands. 

Realising: It’s the little things that mean the most.

So let’s compare notes, how are you feeling right now? What are your new favourite stay at home activities?

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Linking up with Denyse for Life This Week