Recent Reads June 2021
Book posts round here are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once. Or almost at once, if you call two months apart at once. Truth be told, these reads aren't so recent, [Read More]
Book posts round here are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once. Or almost at once, if you call two months apart at once. Truth be told, these reads aren't so recent, [Read More]
It's been 9 months since my last Recent Reads post - where does the time and where do the books go? I think this lack of literary posts is not so much that I'm slack about reading (although I am) [Read More]
Well, it's been three months in between reading round ups and have I got some crackers for you! With lockdown cramping my library style, I cobbled together an impressive selection of books I [Read More]
It's been a while in between book recommendations, I know with my last bookshelf review in September 2019 "insert shocked face emoji"! It's not that I haven't been reading because I have, I've just [Read More]
It's taken me since my last recent reads post until now to round up 10 of the best books from my bookshelf. I must confess, I haven't read quite as many books as I would have liked to [Read More]
Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash I've read more than 25 books this year and am half way to my goal of reading 50 books in 2019. When it comes to reading I'm a bit of an [Read More]
If 2021 was a running event, I think it would be an ultra marathon and I for one, would be limping to the finish line! I thought 2020 was a bit of a doozy but it felt like that was just the warm [Read More]
If you find yourself in hotel quarantine, you'll be locked up in your room for 14 days, likely without an opening window or balcony. The trick to surviving your incarceration is to keep busy and to [Read More]
2020 has been quite a ride so it seems only fitting in the last post of the year that I'm taking a look back on the year that was. If you're a regular round here, you'll have already caught up on [Read More]
As 2020 draws to a close, I'm taking a trip down Memory Lane and reflecting on the year that was, and it's a tale of two parts. With bushfires and a global pandemic (and that's just for starters,) [Read More]