Taking Stock – November 2023
I honestly don't know how it got to be December already but here we are. We are well into winter here in the UK and although it's been cold, there has been plenty to warm the cockles of our hearts. If [Read More]
I honestly don't know how it got to be December already but here we are. We are well into winter here in the UK and although it's been cold, there has been plenty to warm the cockles of our hearts. If [Read More]
I know I've already posted my Year in Review posts and it's already 2022 but here I am fashionably late with my Taking Stock for last December. Insert "face palm." Life has really gotten in the [Read More]
I hit publish on the first part of my recap of 2021 a few weeks ago and as I started, so I'll finish with the second instalment, just in the nick of time! So before 2022 rolls around, here's 2021 a [Read More]
A lickimat is a grooved mat and as it's name suggests, it encourages your pet to lick. In this easy guide, we'll cover what they are, how to use them, why they're so pawsome and share some absolutely [Read More]
2020 has been quite a ride so it seems only fitting in the last post of the year that I'm taking a look back on the year that was. If you're a regular round here, you'll have already caught up on [Read More]
If you like rocky road, you're going to love this collection of easy and delicious rocky road recipes. Whether you like dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate, I've got something chewy, [Read More]
If you like cheesecake, you are going to love this recipe collection of the best baked cheesecakes. I never tasted a cheesecake I didn't like and over the years have developed quite the cheesecake [Read More]
entrepupneur (noun) – someone who sets up a dog related business, takes on financial risk and works their butt off in the hope of profit. So this month I'm back with another [Read More]
This flour free recipe collection includes slices, cakes, cheesecakes and bliss balls, so there is something for everyone. I don't know about you but I'm finding that a bag of flour is about [Read More]
I have the world's worst memory. I can barely remember what I did yesterday, never mind about earlier in the year. That's why blogging is such a bonus for me because when I can't remember when or [Read More]