Stop! Scan Approaching!

Does it sound weird if I say, I just cannot wait for scan day?! I’ve never been very good at surprises. After all, I was the kid who bugged my mom so much, I opened all my presents by Christmas Eve, get the drift? I just hate the not knowing. And now, that the scan is so close, I can hardly bear the suspense! After my run in with the big C, I appreciate that every second of every day is precious, and would hate to wish  time away in a frivolous fashion, but I wish it was already June 8, all the same! Apart from anything else, the novelty of eating iodine free is starting to wear off. I dream of salt!

I’ve decided I will work on the premise that time flies by when you’re having fun, so the more fun I have, the sooner it will be scan central! I busy myself organising a splendid social schedule for scan week and hunt down more uber healthy, iodine free recipes. There’s always fun to be had in the kitchen!

In the meantime, I can’t resist phoning the pharmacy to check on their Thyrogen levels. It turns out  there’s still some in stock. If my results are less than favourable and I need more treatment, I want to be ready and raring to get radiated all over again. Knowing that I’m keeping my insides iodine free and that there’s Thyrogen there if I need it, gives me an enormous sense of well being! After all, forewarned is forearmed!