Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Gratitude

Since my two touches of cancer, my life has been so much fuller and richer and I’m sure it’s because I’m so grateful for so many things. Of course, I had  a lot to be grateful for before my diagnosis, and I was grateful for all of it, but now, I’m more consciously grateful as weird as that sounds. I’m sure someone somewhere has proved that there’s a direct correlation to the amount of gratitude practised and happiness felt – if not, you’ll just have to take my word for it!

This quote made me think that in this life, we always want something more of ourselves and/or for ourselves, but that doesn’t make us rich or our lives full. Some people have all the money in the world yet their lives are as empty as a glass of beer on a hot day. Here’s to overflowing cups, the fullness of life and a little bit of gratitude (it really does go a long way. )

What are you grateful for today?

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life