Sleeping Beauty

David had a boys night yesterday with all his old work buddies. He gets back late and more than a little worse for wear. Overnight he turns into the Prince of Puke, which at first I assume is alcohol induced. However, it soon becomes clear that his ailments cannot all be attributed to alcohol and that he’s actually pretty poorly. He can barely get out of bed. It’s a sorry state to be in!

Now we’re all at a bit of a loose end. Richard has taken the day off, and we had planned to spend the day together and have a bit of a jolly. David’s downturn has thrown our plans into disarray so after much faffing and fretting; Richard gets to grips with the garden, Heather and I pop out to the shops and David sleeps and sleeps and sleeps.

He sleeps all morning, all afternoon and well into the evening. Heather plays Florence Nightingale to my beloved while I have an evening en famille with my auntie and cousins at Maison Brown in Stanmore.  We have a fantastic Friday night dinner cooked by clever Katie, my cousin’s wife. It’s a lovely, intimate affair and it’s such fun to catch up. The kids are cute, the food is fantastic and the evening is excellent. David will be sorry he missed this! When I get home, he’s still in the land of nod, a proper Sleeping Beauty!