The Joy of Pinterest

Gaille is back in the office! A double whammy! Another reason to be happy! Last night, she messaged me the link for the wonderful Flourless Almond and Coconut Cake and today, we marvel how modern technology knows no bounds! We reminisce about our days before iphones, and have a little laugh… when trying to persuade her to move to a smart phone a while ago, I told her, “my iphone changed my life!” Well, in many ways it did! It certainly made my life a lot easier! Everything I need to know is almost at my fingertips!

Just recently I’ve discovered the joys of Pinterest which I guess is like an online noticeboard. It’s so simple, when you find an article, an image, recipe or any little interesting nugget from the net, all you have to do is pin in to one of your boards. It’s such a neat idea! Best of all, “pins” are categorised, so  you can check out what’s hot and what people are pinning, and best of all, you can “follow” your friends and share their stuff too. It’s super cool and it’s been keeping me out of mischief for a while now!

So, aswell as pinning my own recipes to my boards, last night I pinned the Flourless Almond and Coconut Cake onto my Recipes I Want to Try board. I’m telling Gaille about the joys of Pinterest when her daughter rings. She’s never heard of Pinterest before, so she asks her daughter, if she has. Her daughter nearly falls off the chair laughing! And asks Gaille, “have you heard of the internet?!” I’m just soooo behind the times!