Happy Birthday to Me!

Growing Older

Hooray! It’s my birthday! I’m not going to bitch about old age, grey hairs and wrinkles. I’m just going to celebrate the fact that I get to enjoy another birthday. Getting older is a priviledge so I’m not going to regret it, I’m going to revel in it instead!

I am a big lover of birthdays be they mine or someone else’s. Today is no exception. Moreover, when you have been diagnosed with  a disease that has the potential to shorten your life span, you don’t take special days, or special people for granted. These days I get so excited about birthdays, I could burst!

It’s a fun-packed day from start to finish. I’m spoilt rotten and am on the receiving end of some gorgeous gifts and a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Even my students get in on the act, and surprise me with a birthday cupcake and bags of candy (they know me too well!)

Birthday Cupcake

The Feeder Programme is on fire; Heather’s Mars Bar Slice gets rave reviews, the Biscuit Fudge Slice  goes down a treat and while I’m at it, I throw a few of Nigella’s Blueberry Muffins  into the mix. I even get to take the homeless guy a bit of a doggy bag with an a medley of birthday treats. The only thing better than receiving, is giving!

Later, the Feeder Programme is in reverse, as Jane and my work buddies surprise me with a sticky date cake slathered in cream. It’s a big, delicious birthday surprise!

The Feeder Programme in Reverse

There’s singing, candle blowing and much consuming of cake! I think I’ve eaten more cake today, than I have in the past year! But hey, it’s my birthday, so I can have my cake and eat it!