21 Days of Kindess – Week 3

It was a fun finale to the 21 Day Kindness Challenge. Here’s how I kept up the kindness in week 3.

15  – High fiving good service

Every working day starts with a visit to Claudia’s Coffee Cart at the Radisson Blu Hotel. She’s friendly, she’s efficient and her coffee is corking! I feel like I should walk around with a little label saying “Powered by Claudia’s Coffee.”  I dropped her a card to say thank you for always making such great coffee. The following day she told me how that card made her day and that she was so pleased she showed her boss. A little appreciation goes a long way.

Thank you

16 – Surprise notes

This week I had some good old fashioned girl time with one of my fantastic friends. I left a surprise card on her desk, just to say thank you  and let’s not leave it so long next time.  Life goes by so fast,  it’s important to take time out  to do things and spend time with the people we love.


17 – Offering to take people’s photos

I spent my lunchtime strolling the harbourside offering to take people’s photos. Tandem photo taking is always a big holiday bug bear of mine, as we always end up with an album full of photos of one or the other of us, but never any together. The harbourside is such a photo hot spot, I knew I’d be able to lend a helping hand. This totally took me out of my comfort zone, because I am super shy and it took a lot of bottle to approach total strangers. It was worth it though, because now there are a whole bunch of people who are going to have some stunning snaps of Sydney scenery featuring themselves and their nearest and dearest!

18 – Daily Inspiration

I have a set of  Happiness Cards from Kikki K. I love choosing a new card and feeling  inspired all over again.


19 – Meals on Wheels

Belinda is still in hospital. Let’s face it,  the novelty of being in hospital wears off pretty quick. On a routine visit, I did get a sneak peek at some of her hospital  cuisine and to say it was unappetising would be a massive understatement. I just don’t understand why such pale, colourless and overcooked food gets served to people who are healing and trying to fast track their journey to wellness. I asked Belinda what she wanted most for a winner dinner. She wanted  meat pie and mash. Her wish was my command. She asked for it, I made it (even the pastry!) and then I delivered it! That’s how to please a patient!


20 – Get in touch

I messaged a friend I hadn’t touched base with for what seems like ages. Somehow, in the time inbetween, I’ve moved house, she got married and we both ran a half marathon in different hemispheres, but it was so lovely to reconnect and pick up where we left off.

21 – Stop Complaining

I am super tired. When I’m super tired, I get super cranky. When I’m super cranky, I complain. A lot. I’ve been complaining at work, at home and at play and enough is enough. Complaining is draining and such a waste of time and energy. Today, I put a sock in it and laughed in the face of my faux adversity. I’ve taken to singing instead of complaining which makes my heart happy and everyone else reach for the ear plugs.

I’m a bit sad that the challenge is at an end, because there’s so many more kind things I want to do, and so little time in which to do them. 21 days isn’t nearly enough.  So those acts of kindness will just keep on coming!

So, have you got any kindness ideas that I can add to my collection? Please share!