There’s been a whole lot of celebrating going on round here. It started on Good News Friday and it hasn’t stopped!
On Saturday, we prematurely celebrated our niece Talor’s 7th birthday. There were presents, and candles and cake. What the cake lacked in looks, it made up for in taste, I promise. The moral of this story peeps, is don’t try and ice a cake after consuming cocktails. It’s a recipe for nothing else but disaster!

On Sunday, we headed out the beautiful Burns Bay Reserve to celebrate Henry’s 1st birthday with his mum and dad, Sharon and Paul.

Happy Birthday Henry! Hope 1 is fun! And look, mum got her hair done by clever Christina of Hair Romance.

I had a pre-Christmas catch up with Sinead and Jane after work on Monday. We had some sky high drinks, 47 floors up at O Bar. Not only is this bar high in the sky, it also revolves with some amazing views of our spectacular city.

The weather was hot and humid, but nothing could dampen our enthusiasm! Sinead was on a secret mission home to Ireland for Christmas the day after and she hadn’t told a soul. I bet her family had the best surprise EVER and that her being back home will make all their Christmas wishes come true! I am such a bean spiller and terrible at surprises. How about you?

One of the best things about having a fully operational thumb is that I can lift weights at body pump again! This is something I am truly grateful for. After a few weeks of feather weight lifting, I finally got back to lifting the weights I was pumping before! Heavy duty!

I love the student Christmas party for so many reasons. There is beer, there is bonhomie and there are buddies. I love my job every day, but I especially love my job on days like this! Wednesday was wild!
Deborah and I played hairdressers in the corner. This is how my hair looked before…

… and this is how I looked after! I loved this beautiful bow. I don’t know how Deborath did this except that she did it quickly. If only my hair looked like this every day!

The students went Christmas crazy with the cameras and this is one of my favourite shots from the night. I love these ladies!

I wrote about how I don’t like to burn my Christmas candle at both ends here. On Thursday I practised what I preached, and took a midweek Sabbath. I didn’t work out, I didn’t go out and I didn’t pass GO and get $200 either! The time out was well earned and well needed.
Just as well I recharged my batteries because the dumpling divas popped over for a very curried Christmas on Friday night. The evening was a cracking combination of good food, good times and good friends. The Thermomix did me proud with a trio of curries, Monica rolled the rotis and I produced another Thermomix Best Baked Cheesecake which is always a crowd pleaser. After dinner, I produced my piece de la resistance – my Host Your Own Indian Evening box. I’ve had it for years and I will use any excuse to play with it’s contents. Cheatwell Games do a whole host (excuse the pun,) of these Host Your Own Evening kits and they’re tons of fun. First, we played Pin the Jewel on Nellie the Elephant…

…which was followed by a couple of rounds of Indian trivia but we failed so dismally that we decided to give it up as a bad job and ate fudge and drank wine instead. Luckily David arrived home in one piece and just in time from his Christmas Party to take up his role as official photographer.

On Saturday we battled the Christmas crowds at the mall. I was on a mission to get these beautiful champagne glasses that I saw on Instagram a few weeks ago. They were worth the trip. I love champagne glasses without stems because they are just as pretty but so much more sturdy! These glasses even match the tree!

After all this week’s excesses, I finally got out for a run. David got me some of my favourite running socks by 2xu. I love them not just because they’re a pretty shade of purple and they match my trainers but because they make me run faster. I don’t know how they do that or why they do but they just do. I can’t recommend my Go Faster socks highly enough!

The week ahead is as quiet as the past week has been busy. I’m looking forward to winding down and counting down to Christmas.
So tell me, how was your week? Mad or mild? How much are you looking forward to Christmas?