Happy Holidays y’all! Christmas is coming!
The countdown to Christmas has been crazy; a plethora of parties, fun with friends, shopping frenzies and kitchen chaos. It’s been a case of too much fun and not enough time in which to have it! In my effort to avoid the Christmas crazy I’ve tried to practise what I preach. In so doing, I’ve given everyone the gift of fudge and friendship instead of shop bought gifts, said no to parties and yes to the sofa and am now on first name terms with the front desk ladies at the gym.
We’ve got friends from the mother country coming for Christmas and I’m so excited I could jive with a jelly baby. Coming from a family of 2 and being the Queen of Low Key Christmas, I can’t help but feel a little anxious about our Christmas measuring up. I have to remember, as Teddy Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Christmas is all about joy, right? So I shall stop comparing my menu, tree, table setting, shopping trolley to that of others and then maybe I will be able to sleep again (just kidding!)
It’s taken me until Christmas Eve to realise it but Christmas isn’t all about the food, and the presents, and the tree, although all those things are great, what really counts is your blessings.
For me, Christmas is a time to count my blessings. I have loved ones, near and far. We may not all be together over the holidays but that’s ok because our friendship does not depend on being together. If you’re celebrating the holidays with the people you love, in person, well isn’t that the icing on the Christmas cake? I have my health and for that I am more grateful than ever. Every day I wake up I think how fortunate I am to be alive and how precious life is. I love that old proverb “he who has health, has everything.” It’s so true! I also have a roof over my head and food on the table which is something I always enjoy but never take for granted. I’m really going to get to grips with my Gratitude Journal in 2014 because there is so much to be thankful for.
Now, I can do anything but I can’t do everything, so in the spirit of Christmas, I’m going to have a blogging break so that I can spend more time with my friends and less time at the computer.
I really hope that all your Christmas wishes come true and that you have the happiest of holidays. I have a feeling that 2014 is going to be a good one – hope it’s full of good health, good fortune and good times for you and yours.
See you on the other side, peeps!