Hello friends! Bon weekend! I hope your week was wonderful. Thanks to the Queen’s birthday and David’s medical matters, I only had to go to work for one day this week, winning! Of course, I was hard at it on the home front and on the computer, so much so, that I don’t know how I usually have time to go to work. I’m thinking of changing my name to Mary Baker Homemaker by deed poll. But enough about me, let’s talk about all the goodness on the interwebs.
I loved this post about 7 habits that healthy couples have – the keeping it real edition. It’s pure gold. And spot on.
I may only work 3 days a week but it’s like I’m working in dog years so those 3 days feel like 10 days. The last thing I feel like doing is cooking when I get home, so I meal plan like a ninja and keep the freezer chock full of home cooked dinners. I have a few favourites but I can really expand my repetoire with these 50 freezer dinners.
Now I know it’s cold and I shouldn’t even be thinking about ice-cream, let alone eating it but Baskin and Robbins Strawberry Cheesecake is my all time favourite flavour and now there’s a recipe for it, with added Oreos. Be still my beating heart!
Putting delicious things in your belly is all well and good, but how about putting delicious things on your skin too. I love that this DIY Body Scrub uses everyday ingredients, all of them delicious which makes it almost good enough to eat. I think if I used this in the shower, I’d be eating myself!
Now don’t think I’m greedy but I don’t just want a dog, I want chickens too. I would love fresh eggs. However, I don’t think chickens would love my little balcony. While we’re living hen free, we splash the extra cash to buy free range always, only it turns out they’re not free range eggs at all. We’ve been ripped off but not as much as those poor chickens. Check your eggs, calm your farm and feel free to tell the government that you give a cluck about free range eggs!
Did you catch Kelly Exeter’s interview here on the blog? She’s so inspiring. She’s also very kind. She sent me a copy of her book Your Best Year Yet which is a cracking read, I tell you, cracking! There’s less than 10 weeks to go to Problogger which is where I will pop my blogging conference cherry. I’m gripped with a mixture of excitement and terror, you know, because FODP (Fear of Disappointing People) and all that, but Kelly’s conference survival guide for introverts will see me right!
I love me a good meme but I’d never considered the feelings and the stories of the real people and the real stories behind them. Until now. This is a real eye opener.
I always like to wrap up with a heart warmer and this week, it’s not a bunny or a dog but a super human doing good in the world. This man is a true everyday hero and a real life baby saver.
What was winning about your week? What’s your all-time-favourite ice cream flavour? When it comes to -verts, are you intro or extro?
Here’s how The Ultimate Rabbit Hole works:
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption, A Little Part of the World or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
Be a smarty and join this linky party!