Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Throw In The Towel

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: Throw in the towel

What will you choose?

So at the weekend I’m running rings round Sydney and over the Harbour Bridge in the Blackmore’s Sydney Running Festival. I’m not nearly ready to run a half marathon this year, but I am going to give the 9km Bridge Run my best shot.

At the end of the day, whatever we’re doing in life, we all have a choice and we can all choose what we’re going to do with our metaphorical towel.

Me? I’m a serial sweater, so naturally, I’m using my towel to wipe the sweat off my face and put a smile on it instead. I’ll just keep on, keeping on. It might not be easy, but I hope that it will be worth it.

While we’re on the subject of keeping on, if you have 1 minute and 17 seconds to spare, do watch this clip of two American veterans, both double amputees crossing the finish line at the Disneyland 10k. They’re proof of what can be achieved when you keep on keeping on.