Hello friends! Happy Weekend! Was I hope the first week of November was one to remember (for all the right reasons!) We started our month with that 10k run and we’ve been non-stop ever since! Are you ready to hop on down the Rabbit Hole with Bubbles Bunny and I? Let’s hop to it, shall we?
Thursday was National Doughnut Day which has to be a food day of the best kind. In the spirit of the occasion, check out these doughnuts that you can make at home, and in so doing, take the humble doughnut to a whole new level!
As if National Doughnut Day wasn’t delicious enough, yesterday it was National Nachos Day. I’m sticking with the sweet theme and drooling over these 21 Dessert Nachos. They’re nachos, but not as you know them.
While I’m mopping up the drool from my keyboard, let’s talk about something altogether more healthy, shall we? I know, let’s talk salad! The lovely Kim (AKA The Queen of Salad) from The Land of Zonkt has just released her Summer Simple Salad Series ebook which is packed with all kinds of delicious and there’s not a lettuce leaf in sight. It comes in two download options, but whichever you look at it, it’s going to be full of yum and will turn the most fervent salad dodger into the most ardent salad lover.
I wish I’d had these 9 tips for Gluten Free Baking before I my attempt at gluten free pizza bases this week. I can describe the experience in three words. Messy. Hilarious. And, disaster!
You know I’m huge fans of Oreo and Bubbles, the face(s) of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole. If you love them too, be sure to check out the Oreo and Bubbles bunny socks. Hurry now, because they’re only available for a limited time and while stocks last. Everybunny is going to want to get their feet into a pair of these!
I love nothing better than getting stuff done but gee, I’m easily distracted. Facebook, I’m looking at you! I never thought I’d say this but I’ve almost mastered the art of procrastination! If you’re a member of Procrastinators Anonymous too, you’ll love these tongue in cheek tips – 7 ways to procrastinate like a boss!
While we’re on the subject of winning at life, be sure to check out these life hacks that make you look organised. Number 12 is my favourite – what’s yours?
If you want to be really organised, be sure to check out this free printable 2016 monthly calendar plus a To-Do (or Can Do) list. I’ve never had a better incentive to get a printer!
While I’m on the self help train, take a look at this magic infographic 28 small changes that can make your life much happier. I’m all for small changes that result in big smiles!
Natalie over at Our Parallel Connection has started the most lovely link up called #Just Because where bloggers share the love by linking up a post they’ve enjoyed reading rather than a post they’ve enjoyed writing, and in so doing make someone else feel good about their work for no other reason than just because. What a glorious idea! Be sure to check it out every Wednesday!
I can’t believe it’s a whole week since Lisa and I spent a day practising the Art of Kindness. I can’t wait to tell you all about it, but in the meantime, feast your eyes and fill your heart from Lisa’s post where you can find out more about our adventures.
Lisa and I are both huge fans of Peanuts. FYI, Snoopy was the first dog I ever loved and the Peanuts movie is coming soon. I cannot wait! Kid President is right, life really is like a comic.
Well, thanks for joining me and Bubbles down the rabbit hole! That was so much fun but now I must love you and leave you because we have visitors to entertain and a weekend to start!
Are you a salad dodger or a salad lover? A procrastinator or a do-er? Have you got a life hack to add to the list? Oh, and don’t forget to tell me about the doughnut of your dreams. Have yourself a very merry weekend!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption,or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
Be a smarty and join this linky party!