photo credit @swe_bunnies
Hello friends! I hope everybunny is feeling as festive and looking as cute as HashBrown and Freckles! I can’t believe it – only six sleeps until Christmas and our last foray down the Rabbit Hole for 2015. Shannon, Karin and I are going to have some screen free time over the holiyays but we’ll be back on 16 January 2016 ready and raring to go for more Rabbit Hole adventures! Although, I’m shutting up shop at the Rabbit Hole today, I’ll be back on the blog next week for a last festive flurry. Do bob on over and say hello, won’t you?!
Today is National Oatmeal Muffin Day and it’s also nearly Christmas so excuse me while I indulge in a little bit of shameless self-promotion and share my own muffin recipe with you, of the Raspberry and Oat variety. These muffins are super yum, freezer friendly and packed with wholemeal oaty goodness.
There’s been a lot of Christmas deliciousness around the interwebs but these No Bake Clinker Truffles were one of my favourites! These would make great gifts – if you can bear to part with such deliciousness that is!
If you don’t have time to make your gifts but still have to buy some, check out these Last Minute Gift Ideas from K-Mart. Who doesn’t love a one stop shop gift guide where you can still get change out of 30 bucks per present?
All our friends who are like family are going out of town this yuletide so we’re staying put, but if you’re going places and need to take a plate, Beth has your back with a whole heap of Bring a Plate Ideas.
It’s too easy to over indulge at this time of year, well it is for me anyway (because my willpower is ZERO) but with these simple balancing tips you don’t have to break up with food at Christmas.
I’m not a podcast person per se, but I am a serious Serial fan and I am seriously excited that it’s back for another series. Have you got on the Serial Train yet? If you have no idea of what I’m talking about and even if you do, check out the Serial Sessions, it’s like Serial 101!
David is also excited about new things, but of the Star Wars not the podcast variety. David is definitely the Star Wars fan in this house. We have tickets to see The Force Awakens on Wednesday – I hope he doesn’t combust with excitement before showtime. Anyhoo, Star Wars is so much more than light sabers and the dark side, it’s full of hidden life lessons!
While we’re on the subject of life lessons, sadly, I didn’t get to see Oprah down under but I do know someone who did, so now I too can learn Lessons from Oprah.
Keeping with the theme of self help – if you’re into positive psychology and want something good to read these holidays then you might want to check out these books to make an excellent life. I love reading. I just wish I had more time to do it.
This visual representation of the human lifespan, and the takeaways from it are both fascinating and confronting. Time is precious! However you’re spending your time these holidays, I hope it makes you happy.
So tell me, have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? What’s your great Bring a Plate? Are you a Serial or a Star Wars fan? Or both? Did you go and see Oprah? What’s happening on your holidays?
Whatever you’re wishing for this Christmas, I’d like to wish you the happiest of holidays and a new year that’s chock full of good health, good fortune and good times! Thank you to everyone who hops on down the Rabbit Hole with us every week and makes it such a happy-ning place to be, our adventures wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you!
Be a smarty and join this linky party!