Welcome to another Saturday sojourn down the rabbit hole! I’ve spent most of the week down the coast in a cabin with zero internet and an abundance of kangaroos. It was glorious! Sun, sea, kangaroos, good wine, good times and good friends. But no rabbits. Not even one. But Hash Brown’s here now which totally makes up for it. Let’s swing our pants and lose ourselves in lovely links, shall we?
Tomorrow is an important day for so many reasons. It’s my nana’s birthday and if she had been around to celebrate, there would have been 102 candles on the cake! Happy Birthday, Nana! It’s also Mother’s Day (we’ll get on to that later) and it’s also Empanada Day. Although I have never made an empanada, I’ve eaten my fair share of these pastry pockets of deliciousness. I think these 12 sweet and savoury empanada recipes will have you covered for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything inbetween! There’s even a little video at the end so you can empanada (I totally just invented a verb there,) like a boss. You’re welcome!
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and as me and my mum will be a world apart, I will be spending my Mother’s Day morning, as I’ve spent every Mother’s Day since 2011, running 8km to support and raise funds for other people’s mums and wives and sisters and daughters in the Mother’s Day Classic. David will join me which is the cherry on the cake. I don’t think he’s wearing pink though, but that’s OK because I’ll be wearing enough pink things for the both of us.
Mother’s Day can be a difficult time for many and Lisa has some beautiful ideas for the perfect alternative to Mother’s Day. If Mother’s Day is hard for you, I’m sending you a big virtual hug and an even bigger virtual slice of cake.
If you are lucky enough to spend Mother’s Day with your mum but you don’t want to buy into the commercialism, you might want to think about a DIY spa for Mother’s Day, check out these fantabulous free printables including a crown (I kid you not!) and because restaurants are usually overcrowded and overpriced on the big day, you can find some edible inspiration with these 21 elegant fuss free Mother’s Day lunches. Or skip lunch and just go straight for the cake, because… priorities! If you know someone called Belinda, you should totally make this cake named in their honour, it’s a Turkish Delight rose flavoured cheesecake. Come to think of it, even if you don’t know anyone called Belinda, make it anyway. It’s totally worth it!
Talking of the letter M, where do you stand on the M word? And when I say M word, I mean moist. I personally don’t object to it, but apparently there’s actually a real reason why we hate hearing the word “moist.” Go figure!
Now I know autumn is well under way (not that you’d guess from the weather) but we’re still loving our breakfast smoothies. What I’m not loving is slaving over the chopping board first thing in the morning, so I’m going to be all over these freezer smoothie recipes that make mornings easier. Because every morning should be easy like Sunday morning, am I right or am I right?!
I’m still getting my head around working from home. These 10 tips for working from home will come in very handy! Still on the subject of home, I’m all over these tips of how to achieve a happy and healthy home according to Feng Shui. My mum was always banging on about bathroom Feng Shui and how important it was to put the toilet seat down and put the plugs in the sink and it turns out she was right (but don’t tell her I said that, ‘kay?!) Turns out bathroom Feng Shui is totally a thing!
Anyways, that’s it from me, friends! Whatever, you’re up to this weekend, I hope you have a very hoppy time!
Got any secret tricks or cunning plans happening this weekend? Have you ever eaten or made an empanada? How do you feel about the “M” word? Have you feng-shui-ed your home? Tell me all the things.
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.