Welcome to the weekend people! It’s been an action packed week and I for one am pleased to kick back and relax. How about you?
First things first. Today is National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day. I actually didn’t know what a lacy oatmeal cookie was but after consulting my good friend Google, I can tell you that it’s a thin, crispy but chewy cookie that’s delicious served with ice cream. How pretty are these Old Fashioned Iced Oatmeal Cookies? I think if an oatmeal lace cookie and a florentine had a cookie baby, it would surely be this Oatmeal Lace Florentine Cookie but if you’re a cookie purist and want a plain and simple lacy oatmeal cookie, you’ll be needing this recipe . You’re welcome!
With so many of our friends and family living here, there and everywhere, we love to host both interstate and international visitors. In case you were wondering, this is what guests really notice in your home.
Talking of guests, we have one this weekend. Say hello to Mochi, who is undeniably our furriest and cutest guest to date.
Of course, hosting a hound is a little bit different to hosting a hooman, so I had to make sure the place was dog friendly for our furry friend. This Dog Friendly Home Infographic was super useful. I do like to dot my I’s and cross my T’s, don’t you?!
As an English teacher, I’m always a bit obsessed with my pronunciation albeit with my Cockney-Essex twang. That said, when I checked out these 23 foods you might be saying wrong, I failed dismally but deliciously. How did you fare in the food pronunciation stakes? Oh, do tell!
Still on the subject of food (because it is my favourite subject after all,) start your day in the prettiest way with unicorn toast, yes, that’s totally a thing. I am sure that a day that starts with unicorn toast will be full of sparkles and rainbows.
In mum news, mum came out of hospital, yay! Then she fell down, broke her hip and is back in hospital. Boo! Hopefully she’ll be right as rain soon because I have booked flights back to the UK to visit next month. I can’t wait to see her, Calvin the Dog and although my time to gallivant is going to be tight, I am going to touch base with some of my oldest friends. I think if I wrote a post for them, it would be something like this, Dear Best Friend, Even though life (and distance) gets in the way, You’re still my person. deleting 564 Facebook friends but saving 100 real life relationshipsWhile we’re on the subject of friends, making them and keeping them, this story of really got me thinking about the true meaning of friendship.
Still on the subject of that special person, you know me and David met internet dating, right?! Gee, that was the best 30 pounds I ever spent, although in the olden days when we met, 30 quid was a small fortune! I like to think we were pioneers of internet dating, we did it before it was even cool. If you’re looking for love, here’s how to find out if you are ready for online dating.
Of course, going back to the mother country, there’s still the small matter of a 24 hour flight to deal with before I’m back on British terra firma. No matter how many times I make that journey, it never gets any easier but it might be more comfortable with these 10 soft pant options for travelling on an overseas flight.
When it comes to being productive, I am both a try-hard and a wannabe. I like to think that what I lack in results, I make up for in enthusiasm. However when it comes to distraction tactics, I have skillz! Clearly, I’m going to need one, some or all of these 5 apps to turn you (or me) into a productivity ninja!
And one last link for the road… Did you see Crufts winner Miami? Apparently the American Cocker Spaniel’s hairstyle is causing much controversy and comparisons with the singer, Sia! For realz!
So tell me, have you ever heard of a Lacy Oatmeal Cookie? What do you notice when you go to someone’s home? What do you like to wear on an international flight? Do you have a special person in your life? If you do, how did you meet them? If you don’t, have you tried online dating and if not, would you give it a go? What’s happening in your world this weekend? I see walkies and puppy cuddles in my future. I cannot wait! Hope your weekend is full of wonderful!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers and my awesome co-hosts. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Paula at The Geeky Shopaholic, Jess at Confident Life and Shari at Good Food Week. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
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