I can’t believe it’s Saturday, that long weekend really threw me, not that I’m complaining, I love long weekends so much, I think every weekend should be four days. For my Australian friends, there’s no four day weekend but there is a four day working week next week because of Anzac Day, now there’s something to look forward to!
Talking of all things Anzac, check out these 7 different ways to enjoy an Anzac bikkie, this showstopping Golden Syrup Anzac Cheesecake and start your Anzac Day off right with this Low Fat Anzac Biscuit Granola. I’m quite obsessed with all recipes Anzac, I even have a Pinterest board full of them, although I’m currently crushing on my latest creation the Ultimate Australian Anzac Blondies. And lastly but not leastly, lest we forget why there is an Anzac Day this piece sums it up nicely, why thank you will never be enough. I’m sure I share it every year but it gives me the feels every single time.
This year I will be high in the sky on my way to the other side of the planet on Anzac Day but these airline travel tips and the free printable packing list will come in very handy. That said, I suck balls at packing, so I’ve dumped all my stuff on the bed and I will delegate David to pack it for me. Princess much?!
Now I know I’m heading into spring but when I get back down under it will be almost winter. I wish autumn could last forever, but we all know it can’t and won’t, but don’t be sad, here are 10 ways to stay happier over winter.
I loved this post about the friends I’ve never met. I agree wholeheartedly and I know I for one never get lonely because of the friends in my computer.
I’m still fan girling over The Minimalists podcast and although I’m still decluttering like a boss, the inside of the bathroom cabinet is like Jenga. The toiletry avalanche will be a thing of the past with these 5 easy steps to declutter the bathroom vanity. Sticking with the minimalist theme, I’m loving these tips for a minimalist approach to grocery shopping.
Today is National Jelly Bean Day! Why not celebrate with some Jelly Bean Cupcakes, Jelly Bean Popcorn or if you’re feeling thirsty, how about a Jelly Bean Cocktail?
And because it’s not a bona fide rabbit hole adventure without some canine cuteness, check out the 19 of the Best Dogs on BBC News. Peanut gets my vote, who gets yours?
That’s it from me for this week. I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on reading on my 24 hour flight next week! What are you up to this weekend? Are you going to a dawn service and/or getting your bake on this Anzac Day? What’s your favourite season? Do you have friends in your computer too? And do you have a favourite jelly bean? Tell me all the things and have yourself an absolutely fabulous weekend!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers and my awesome co-hosts. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Paula at The Geeky Shopaholic, Jess at Confident Life and Shari at Good Food Week. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
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