Well it’s been almost 4 months since I dropped the bombshell that we were planning to return to the UK – time really does fly by when you’re having fun!
So much has happened since then and we’ve been making memories and the most of our time in Sydney. I’ve had quite a few questions about the move so I thought it was high time I sat down and answered them.
Are you excited?
Yes… And nervous. And overwhelmed. So all the feels really! It’s to be expected.
When are you going back to the UK?
We don’t have an exact date but fingers crossed the end of September.
When does Teddy leave and what does his trip look like?
His exact flight date won’t be confirmed until 2 weeks before which is making me very twitchy. Hopefully, he’ll be flying the silver kangaroo AKA Qantas all the way home. If the planets align, we will all fly on the same flight via Singapore. When we stop in Singapore to refuel, someone will top up his water and check he’s doing alright. I actually feel sick thinking about it but know that his trip is probably a lot more stressful for us than him!
Talking of Teddy, how is the crate training going?
Slowly! However, he is choosing to go into the crate more often and he is much more relaxed in there. He definitely considers the crate his den. We’ve also been working on place training which is helping him be more independent, less clingy and is improving his separation anxiety.
What about the pet charter?
Sadly that fell through. There were changes to the route, the aircraft and the price and it meant that the pet charter was not going to work for us.
Why can’t you book flights yet?
Ideally we want to be on the same flight as Teddy and even if we aren’t, UK custom rules say we have to arrive within 5 days of each other so we have to sit tight and wait for Teddy’s booking before we can sort out our own flights. It’s totally nerve wracking to be honest. I am not great at flying by the seat of my pants (pun intended.) Hopefully, we will know more next month.
Have you found a home?
No, we haven’t even found an Airbnb to stay in when we arrive – because we are not sure exactly when that will be! We will likely rent for at least a year because we want to get a feel for the area and also buying a house in the UK is a very long and laborious process.
Will you get another dog in the UK?
Yes definitely but we will have to wait until we have our own home. It’s going to be tricky enough to find a rental with one dog, let alone two!
What will you do with all your stuff?
Our shipment from our big move recently arrived in the UK and will remain in storage until we arrive. We will likely have to ship some boxes of excess baggage by air freight just before we go because a 32kg luggage allowance is not going to cut it!
What will happen to the blog?
Depending on how organised I am there may or may not be some interruptions to regular programming while we make the big move.
Recipe wise, I’ll still be working in metric and I’m guessing my recipes will be a hyrbrid of Australian influenced dishes with a British twist!
What have you got planned for the next few months?
July is a big birthday month with mine, David and Teddy’s birthday so we have lots of fun in store for that. We have some weekends away to look forward to and have handed in our notice on our apartment. We will move out early September and move to a little Airbnb nearby until it’s time for our big trip!
Do you have an Aussie bucket list?
Not as such but we are planning a road trip up to Queensland later in September and are hoping to spend our last few months spending quality time with our favourite people.
What did I miss? Have you got any questions? Pop them in the comments!