Hello there! I hope 2025 has been kind to you and continues to be so. Although we’re already well into a new month and a new year, I’m working on the theory that it’s better late than never, when it comes to taking stock. So here goes…
Making: Fudge and lots of it!

Cooking: Roast pork with all the trimmings for Christmas Day (well, I didn’t but David did!)

Eating: Boiled eggs and soldiers. Can’t stop, won’t stop!

Drinking: Kolsch – when in Cologne and all that!

Having: A festive all inclusive girls getaway at the start of the month.

Trying: Our hands at mini golf and shooting in between bingo and crafting!

Enjoying: A fab few days in Cologne at the Christmas Markets.

Loving: The festive atmosphere and the variety of the seven different markets. Yes, seven!

Liking: The miniature train that takes you to four of said markets.

Disliking: The crowds. So. Many. People.
Buying: Some beautiful new Christmas decorations. Of course the gluwein is my favourite!

Being: A (big) kid in a literal candy store – visiting the flagship Haribo store in Bonn.

Bringing: Home a stash of Haribo.
Collecting: A different gluwein mug from all of the different Christmas markets. So much for being a minimalist!

Doing: A walking tour of Cologne – so much fun and so informative.
Admiring: Cologne’s gothic cathedral – it really is a sight to behold.

Seeing: The Wild Boys 80’s Band at our local theatre – the eighties were greaties, don’t you think?!

Feeling: Very festive!
Persuading: The whole family to wear Christmas jumpers in December!

Marvelling: At my sparkly festive nails.

Checking: Out the Stamford Christmas Tree Festival – it’s all for charity!

Linking: Up with Sherry and friends for this month’s edition of In My Kitchen.
Sharing: This recipe for Licorice Lovers Rocky Road. It’s all sorts of delish!

Crunching: The numbers to find out this year’s most popular posts!
Swooning: Over the wreaths and door decor in houses in town.

Looking: At ‘The Christmas Tree House’ always makes me happy!

Borrowing: My neighbour’s Christmas crockery – again!

Watching: All my favourite Christmas movies.
Getting: In front of the camera for our annual end of year family photo shoot at Bourne Photographic Studios.

Visiting: The fam for an early Christmas.
Spending: A quiet Christmas on our own – just the three of us.
Thinking: It is not possible for Teddy to be any cuter.

Reading: One Day in December by Josie Silver and Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan.
Listening: And singing along to Christmas in the 80’s by Scouting for Girls. It’s a cracker!
Hosting: The last guests for the year – one final outing for the Christmas bedding.

Finding: A treat each day in my advent calendar. This year we went DIY.

Celebrating: The first night of Hanukkah on Christmas Day – the last time this happened is 2005.
Lighting: The candles on my menorah.

Wishing: December didn’t fly by so fast!
Hope you had a December to remember for all the right reasons. Tell me all about it in the comments!