For a minute there, I thought January was never going to end but here we are. February is well under way but I thought it would be remiss if I didn’t take a minute to look back on the month that was. I’d love it if you joined me.
Enjoying: A very quiet start to 2025. We didn’t even stay up to see the new year in!
Baking: This All in One Bakewell Cake. It’s been a real hit around these parts.

Making: More dumplings.
Cooking: Up a storm from my gifted Christmas cookbooks. This one was from my MIL.

Drinking: Coffee and lots of it.
Eating: Chips and curry sauce up North. It doesn’t get more English that that.

Hosting: Two lots of friends in Stamford – fun times.
Visiting: The Rutland Vineyard with the visitors.

Loving: My new spice rack.

Liking: That the days are getting longer – situation pleasing.

Disliking: Subzero temperatures. Teddy is not a fan either.

Going: To the gym and…
Working: Out at home with Joe Wicks and the help of my pawsonal trainer.

Marvelling: At this Teddy cushion from a friend down under – the likeness is uncanny!

Hearting: (Yes, that’s a word,) my January nails.

Reading: Fat Loss Habits by Ben Carpenter. I follow Ben on Insta and he’s such a lovely guy and a voice of reason in the fitness/wellness space

Listening: To James Blunt.
Seeing: The Les Miserables Arena Tour in Newcastle. It was magnificent – Michael Ball was Javert.

Watching: Bad Sisters and Slow Horses on Apple and The Breakthough and Black Doves on Netflix.
Catching: Up with family up north and taking the obligatory photo with matching hats.

Scoring: Some James Blunt concert tickets. It was touch and go there for a while.
Swapping: German for French on Duolingo.
Taking: Teddy for a groom – he looks so houndsome.

Getting: My hair done too but I forgot to take a photo.
Looking: At my dog vase makes me happy.

Receiving: Some really sad news from friends and family.
Knowing: That our people are hurting makes my heart ache.
Feeling: A bit anxious. The world is a bit weird right now. Sigh.
Planning: Some 2025 adventures. It’s good to have something to look forward to.
Hope your January was full of joy! Tell me all about it in the comments – I’d love to hear from you.