The Waiting Game

I’m first in, first out for my scan. It’s all very civilised; big, snazzy white machine, classical music in the background and a cosy blanket to keep me warm. I’m as snug as a radioactive bug! Fortunately, I don’t have to consume stale bread and water like last time, I can just lay down and get on with it. The scan is painless but tedious. It doesn’t even have a fancy name, just a nuclear medicine scan which doesn’t sound in the least bit exotic! A big, flat panel moves excruciatingly slowly up and down the body and the patient must lie seriously still. It’s a bit like playing dead lions! The body scan takes about 25 minutes, and then there’s a really in-your-face close up of the head and neck for another 10. I have a little power nap under the scanner – all in all it’s rather relaxing.

After  every last centimetre of myself has been successfully scanned, there’s only a blood test between me and the finish line! I get to go home, to my ice-box of an apartment and wait for the good doctor to phone with the results. I’m also waiting for the engineer to come and fix up the heating and if he doesn’t rock up soon, I am sure to have turned into a giant ice statue. Brrrr!

While I’m waiting, I take my new Nikes out and put them through their paces in a fun 8km run. It’s the best way to kill time and keep warm! By the time my run is done, it’s time for bonhomie with Brooke. She’s coming for lunch today so the Feeder Program is in overdrive. We have Sandra’s Champion Chicken Soup for mains and some more of those Slow cooker Vanilla and Red Wine Poached  Pears for dessert, and lots and lots of hot tea. Short of standing in front of the drier, or sticking our heads in the oven, it’s the best way to keep cosy! We’ve got a lot to catch up on and Brooke brings me some beautiful flowers which brighten the living room and my day!

Then, it’s back to the waiting game. I’m willing the doctor to ring and the air con man to arrive…