
The worst thing about weekends is that they are over way too quickly, especially long, lovely ones such as this! We check out of the hotel and head out of town. Orange, you’ve been awesome!

We take the scenic route home via the Bells Line of Road through the beautiful Blue Mountains. We even drop in at the Botanic Gardens in Mount Tomah for a loo stop and we can’t resist stepping out on to the deck to enjoy the breathtaking views!

We come home via the supermarket. It’s such a treat to go to the big branch and I enjoy the luxury of loading my cargo into the car instead of into a granny trolley!

Back at the ranch, things really go up a gear! There’s enough washing to fill a laundromat, and enough unpacking to meaningfully occupy a team of removalists! I have a little reunion with my Thermomix and pop that pumpkin to good use for a new batch of Spicy Pumpkin Soup a la Thermie. It’s hot, it’s hearty and I can make it in minutes. That’s what I call a warm welcome home.

After all our wining and dining, we’re looking forward to a simple supper and more to the point, I’m looking forward to doing as little as possible. That’s why I love the Slow Cooker Chicken Couscous. It’s full of flavour but surprisingly simple. I can throw it all into the pot and go off and do something else more interesting, or pressing, instead. This recipe is going to be a real family favourite! Delicious! Best of all, there’s enough left over to make a lovely lunchbox tomorrow.

I love holidays but home is where the heart (and the kitchen) is!