So it’s official, I’ve survived a whole year without a thyroid! It’s so hard to imagine that this time last year I was under the knife. It seems like a distant (bad) dream. So near to now, but yet so far!
Rather than reflect on the day, I think it’s much more positive to reflect upon the year that’s passed. What a year! Living with Cancer has taught me a lot about life, and about myself. Admittedly, Cancer has taken my thyroid along with some of my lovely lymph nodes, but it’s given me a lot back and given me the freedom to live my life in glorious technicolour.
I’ve certainly packed a lot in the last 12 months, but that’s just because I’m loving life so much, I don’t want to waste a moment. When you’ve been faced with the prospect that your days are numbered, every single second of every day becomes a precious gift.
After Cancer, life has been full of baking, blogging and running – all the things that make me happy.
Life is sweet, so sweet in fact that I celebrate the best way I know how, in the kitchen! I make an almighty mess and while I’m at it, some White Chocolate and Raspberry Rocky Road. Don’t worry, everything will be all-white!
I got Cancer but it didn’t get me. I haven’t got Cancer today and that’s good enough for now. “Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.” Today, I’m very, very happy and very, very thankful.