Howdee partners! What’s occurring? Happy Satur-yay!
This post was brought to you by a wing and a prayer as our internet has died. “Insert sad face.” If you’re in Australia and have an internet provider you can count on, please let me know! I’m desperately seeking a new one…
We’re a bit sad because the outlaws are heading back to the Mother Country today. As much as I love airport hellos, I dislike airport goodbyes. I know! Let’s cheer ourselves up down the Rabbit Hole, shall we? Oreo and I are ready to lose ourselves in lovely links, let’s hop to it!
Here’s something to smile about! It’s National Guacamole Day today! Woot! I love guacamole almost as much as life itself, and it’s so much more than a corn chip’s sidekick. If you’re a guacamole lover too check out these 21 Game-Changing Ways to Eat Guacamole. I want to eat them all!
While we’re on the subject of all things green, check out Beth’s marvellous meal ideas full of good, green stuff . Talking of Beth, did you catch her She’s So Inspiring interview yesterday? It’s a cracking read and I had a fangirl moment so great that I almost spontaneously combusted with excitement. Just sayin’!
Keeping with the green theme (I’m sure Oreo Bunny would approve,) how about these delicious abundance bowls? That’s a two minute winner dinner (or breakfast or lunch) if ever I saw one.
As you can see from my recent recipe posts, I’m already excited about Christmas. We’re not very gung-ho about gifts in this house and are of the opinion that less is definitely more, but the English teacher in me loves these 17 Gifts Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate. If you prefer something less brainy and more hands on, you have to check out these fabulous 15 Handmade Gift Ideas, some of which are so simple, even I could make them! If you like to give great gift but are all out of ideas, pop on over to Gift Grapevine, because Tash is a real life gift guru and her gift guides will have you present giving like a boss!
I am quite good at giving presents but I’m totally pants at wrapping them. I’ll be wrapping like a ninja with these 20 Beautiful Ways To Wrap With Brown Paper.
Talking of giving and receiving, did you see my post this week about The Art of Kindness? It’s one of my favourite posts ever, and if you like feeling warm and fuzzy, you might like it too! Anyway, the lovely Ellen left a comment and talked about positive psychology. I knew she was right, because getting high on kindess is totally a thing. This awesome infographic The Science of Giving: Why Being Generous Is Good For You is perfectly timed and sums it up nicely. I love that there are words and pictures. What can I say? I’m a visual learner.
As for being good for you, did you hear about that report that claims champagne could help prevent dementia? Bubbles, yes please! My kind of medicine! However, if champagne is not your thing (no worries, I’ll drink your share,) there are lots of other tried and tested ways to reduce your dementia risk.
That’s it from me for this week. Whatever you do this weekend, I hope it makes you happy!
Let’s talk guacamole, how do you eat yours? Are you a grammar nerd too? What would you put in your abundance bowl? Are you a good wrapper? How do you keep your brain in shape? Am I the only person getting super excited about Christmas? Surely not!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
Be a smarty and join this linky party!