Hello friends! Welcome to the first sojourn down the Rabbit Hole for 2016. Can you believe we’ve been on 50 Rabbit Hole adventures already? Here’s to many more! I’ve just got back from the happiest of holi-yays but I think I left my heart in Hobart. I I might have to go back to find it… soon! I’ve had an awesome break but it’s so good to be back.
Before we get started, did you know today is International Hot and Spicy Food Day? Hot and spicy food is food of my favourite kind so here are 15 spicy but nicey recipes to heat up the kitchen and put some fire in your belly. Brussel sprouts have never looked so good!
Anyhoo, let’s hop on down the rabbit hole and let me show you what I’ve been loving since I’ve been gone…
The main reason we went to Tasmania was to run the Cadbury Half Marathon because we run for chocolate. However, if you don’t like running (not even when chocolate is involved) check out these 5 active events to try in 2016 regardless of your fitness level. It’s all about horses for courses so set your endorphins free and have a whole lot of fun while you’re doing it!
I haven’t actually thought about goals for this year. Since I had cancer, my annual goals are always the same; stay alive, stay healthy and stay happy. To be honest, anything I achieve on top of that is a bonus. That said, I really love these 16 goals to set that are more about enjoying what you have than chasing what you don’t. So often it’s all about needing more or being better, but I think when we count our blessings and work with what we have, our cup of contentment really doth overfloweth. Personally, I’m a big fan of number 12. Just sayin’!
Keeping with the less is more theme, I’m consciously making an effort to do some of these 30 small habits to lead a more peaceful life because small changes can make a big difference, right?!
Talking of small changes making a big difference, I’m all over these infographics to help you eat healthier. Inbetween bingeing on Orange is the New Black over Christmas, we watched some amazing documentaries about food, including Milk, That Sugar Film, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead 2 and my personal favourite, Fed Up. That’s a whole lot of food for thought and while we’re not going to give up cake anytime soon, we’re definitely going to be eating a lot more plant based, real food from here on in.
That said, I’m going to be juicing my way through my blog archives and I think I’ll be adding this Paw Paw Melon Smoothie to my repetoire.
I’m determined to make every one of Kim’s Simple Salads this summer. I’ve already made a start with this Cannellini Salad and it was a whole lot of yum!
Did you catch Not Quite Nigella’s interview on the blog yesterday? I’m still fangirling about it. I’m reading her book right now and loving it and I’m also loving the the look of her Crunchy Fresh Summer Bean and Yellow Bean Halloumi Salad but then again, I love the look of everything Lorraine makes!
I took about a trillion photos while we were away on holi-yays and I took most of them on my iphone. If only I knew then what I knew now! I’m guilty of almost all of these 6 phoneography mistakes but with these tips, I’m going to be phoneographing like a boss! And in case you’re wondering, I totally just invented my own word!
While we’re on the subject of tips and tricks, there’s something for everyone in the Most Popular How To’s of 2015.
Random acts of kindness are my favourite things – here are 16 ways to start 2016 with kindness – I know it’s already half way through January but it’s always a good time to be kind!
Before I head off into the Saturday sunset, I have some exciting news! Remember Jess our trusty Rabbit Hole co-pilot? Well, while she’s been on a break from the Rabbit Hole, she’s been busy rebranding her blog and launching her own line of notecards and postcards. She really is the Queen of Florography and you should totally go and check out her shop. It’s blooming wonderful!
So tell me about your January? How’s it going? Do you have goals for 2016? Are you a fan of juicing or salads or both? Do you think spice is nice too? Tell me everything!
Be a smarty and join this linky party!