Greetings from Oreo Bunny and I! Welcome to your weekend… In Australia it’s almost a long one because it’s Australia Day on Tuesday and this will be my first as a “real” Australian. I hope I don’t spontaneously combust with excitement before the big day!
I had grand plans about making my first ever pavlova and/or lamingtons before Australia Day but alas it wasn’t to be. However, I found 9 other bloggers who were much more organised and who had recipes much more creative than me so I shared them all in one delicious post. I’m popping it here because it’s just too tasty to miss!
After publishing that post I realised that the interwebs are chock full of all kinds of Australia Day deliciousness, be sure to check out the No Bake Iced Vovo Balls (so pretty and so pink!) and the amazeballs Iced Vovo Doughnuts. Clearly, Vovos are so in vogue right now!
If the weather gods are looking down us, it will be roasting hot on Australia Day so you’ll need something to quench your thirst. How about some Australian themed cocktails? Talking of cocktails, these cracking cocktail hacks will have you mixing drinks better than Tom Cruise in Cocktail!
Talking of sizzling and sun, I must confess I am a serial sunscreen offender even after all these years of living down under. Although, I’ve just wised up to the fact that I should carry sunscreen around in my bag, I’m afraid to say I’m guilty of almost all 9 of these sunscreen mistakes but from now on I will endeavour to avoid them all because as everyone knows, there’s nothing healthy about a tan.
Next week I’m going to work, in an office, for realz, for a couple of days, how novel! I’m finally finding my groove working from home and if you want to know what it’s really like working from home, here’s the good, the bad and the ugly. I’d love to say I don’t spend my days in gym gear or PJs but I’d be lying!
As a direct result of trying to fall in love with salad and eat more fruits and veggies, the fridge is getting seriously full. I expect there to be a “No Vacancy” sign on the fridge door any day now! I’m thinking I can make some space and remove all of the things that shouldn’t be kept in the fridge. I’m guilty on 16 counts. How about you?
I always use a filter to make my Instagram photos look presentable but it turns out I’ve been doing it wrong all along. You don’t need filters, you just need to follow these simple steps to create clean, bright instagram photos every time. Easy as!
I think I’ve got some work to do. Out of 22 things every woman should know how to do for herself, I’ve got three and a half of them down pat. I’ve totally mastered, 1, 6, 17 and 18 which translated means I’ve got a supportive partner, me or my friends won’t be going hungry any time soon and I’ll always have pretty nails (shame about the hair, but hey, you can’t have everything!) How did you fare?
I’m so gullible, once I get into a TV programme, I take the characters so serioulsy, that I conveniently forget they’re real people just playing a part for my entertainment and pleasure. If you like me, love Downton Abbey, you must check out the Downtoners in real life. It’s pure gold.
Tomorrow is National Peanut Butter Day. I don’t cook a lot with peanut butter because although I love it hard, David does not care for it at all which means that I would be the sole consumer of all peanut buttery goods. Great for my tastebuds but not so great for my arteries! That said, I have been living vicariously through these 19 Peanut Butter Recipes that will take you to heaven and back. You might want to drool proof your keyboard before you look though… Just sayin’!
Happy weekend, folks! Hope it’s a cracker!
Let’s talk about life’s important questions shall we? Like, peanut butter, yay or nay? Talking of peanut butter, where do you keep your peanut butter? In the fridge or in the cupboard? I commit the cardinal kitchen sin and store it in the fridge which keeps it fresh but on the downside makes it a little bit hard to handle. What say you? How’s your fridge looking right now? Are you a sunscreen slapper? If you’re celebrating Australia Day, have a good one cobber and tell me, what are you going to eat and do on Australia Day?
Be a smarty and join this linky party!