Hello every bunny! Huzzah for the weekend? Did you have a fun week? I’ve had my nose stuck in my books, my head stuck in the oven and an eye out for some cracking finds around the interwebs. I’ll need the weekend to recover! Are you ready for some fun, frolics and fab finds down the Rabbit Hole? Hop on down!
Well, today is National Baked Scallop Day. I love eating scallops but I’ve never cooked them. That might all change now I have this oh-so-simple recipe from Nigella, who I have appointed the Queen of Cookery.
I love the idea of being organised but I’m just not very good at it. However, these 7 Organising Tricks are so easy, even I could manage them!
Talking of being organised, you have to be when you’re taking your own lunch to work. I’m loving these 50+ Brown Bag Lunches that are not a sandwich. Still on the subject of lunches, if like me, you’re a bit of a sticky beak and like having a good nose, you’ll love this six lunches, six women, from six lives. It’s a fascinating insight into other people’s lunch plate. It also features the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre which is quite the coincidence because I was there again yesterday on lunch duty. I have a regular lunch gig on the second Friday of every month, and am always looking for an extra pair of hands. If you’re in Sydney and have a few hours to spare, give me a shout!
While we’re still on the subject of food, let’s talk Easter. It’s only two weeks away , you know! Are you getting egg-cited?! This week, Vicki and I searched all over the interwebs and each came up with a selection of Top Ten Easter Treats. I’m pretty sure that we’ve got every bunny covered – here’s Vicki’s and here’s mine. Sugar rush aside, I love to give to the small people in my life at Easter, but I love to give them something other than chocolate. If you want to think outside the box, or outside the chocolate egg carton, check out these Gorgeous Non-Chocolate Easter Gift Ideas for Little People and this Bumper Easter Gift Guide for Babies and Kids. I think some of these would be a great gift for big people too. Just sayin’!
It was International Women’s Day on Tuesday. To celebrate, Shannon kindly shared her learnings from Brene Brown; an enlightening read and one that has eased my FOMO considerably. I can’t believe Brene was in town and I missed her. So near, yet so far! I didn’t get to see Elizabeth Gilbert either but I read the blog of someone who did and who was magic enough to share her words of wisdom. Talking of wonderful women, did you see Karin, my trusty co-pilot released her podcast of the Mummy Soul Sessions. Karin has teamed up with totally awesome Dr Sash and together, they are podcasting like a boss (or bosses!)
I think I am the most unbendy person on the planet. If you’ve ever seen me in a yoga class, you’d know what I mean. I’m like Little Miss Stiff. In an effort to be a bendy bod, I’m going to try these 5 Stretches to do every day. I shall report back forthwith!
I went to the movies this week and saw Brooklyn. Have you seen it? I highly recommend it. But take tissues, ‘kay? I’ve only seen one of the movies from the Positively Psychology Movie Awards 2015 and that was Star Wars! I’m going to work my way through the list in 2016, better late than never. How many have you seen?
And finally, just for fun, have you seen the pics of the guy who photoshops his dog into a giant in all his photos? It’s hilarious and adorable all at the same time!
On a scale of 1-10, how organised are you? What do you usually eat for lunch? Have you got a bendy bod? Do you give gifts at Easter? What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? Tell me what’s hop-pening in your world this weekend!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.