Ahoy there me hearty rabbit holers! Greetings from the mother country once again. This will be my last sleep in the UK because tomorrow I’m leaving on a jet plane for Sydney. I’m looking forward to that 24 hour flight with about as much enthusiasm as I would have if I had to suck camel poo through a straw. Anyhoo, enough of all that flighting talk, let’s cheer ourselves up with some fab finds down the Rabbit Hole, shall we?
Today is actually Frozen Yoghurt Day but as I’m heading back to winter in Sydney, I cannot even think about frozen yoghurt, let alone eat it. Can we rewind back to Thursday which was National Rocky Road Day? Now that’s a food that needs to be celebrated! Can I tempt you with some Chunky Malteser Rocky Road, or some Clinkers Rocky Road or maybe Snickers Rocky Road is more to your taste? And let’s not forget my very own White Chocolate and Raspberry Rocky Road. Rock on!
Last Saturday was National Hamburger Day. I still have burgers on the brain but this time of the meat free variety. I bet you won’t even miss the meat with these 15 mouth watering veggie burger recipes. If like me, tofu is your food nemesis, you can rest assured that these burgers are all full of flavour, but free from tofu. Phew!
Still on the subject of eating, here’s to mindful eating and why you should eat with your mind.
Last week, we talked about billionaires and their positive mindsets. This week, I’m taking a leaf out of the books of some of the world’s most successful people who share their Sunday night rituals. I can’t help but think if you get Sunday night right, you can get the best out of the week ahead.
I know productivity is such a buzz word right now and I’m always banging on about it (I’m like a dog with a bone, I know) but these Top 10 Tips for being productive are absolute crackers. And while we’re on the subject of getting stuff done, what about all the pressure to do all the things? There’s just so much, enough with the pressure, enough.
Hair was a hot topic last week too when we contemplated the eternal hair dilemma, to chop or not to chop? I can’t part with my long locks just yet, but I’m so over my daily ponytail, maybe a topknot is the answer? These 7 everyday hairstyles that aren’t a topknot, look so cool, and so easy, I think even I might be able to manage them.
It’s just over a year since Maya Angelou died, but her legacy lives on, there’s so much wisdom in these 16 ways Maya Angelou taught us how to love.
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of afternoon tea and I’m having my fare share of them in the mother country. I’ll be sharing all the delicious deets with you in due course, but in the meantime, I’m wishing I had made it to Betty’s Tea Room and here is everything you need to know about afternoon tea.
I missed David’s god-daughter’s fourth birthday last week. I wonder if they played any of these old fashioned party games? They’re oldies but goodies. I’ve enjoyed them all except a pinata. I might have to add a party with a pinata to my bucket list!
Finally, let me leave you with these fascinating pictures of airline food from around the world. I think the moral of this story is if you want to be healthy and nourished while on board, take your own food… Unless of course, you’re flying Business Class in which you should totally make the most of the free pyjamas and the fine dining.
That’s it from me from the mother country. I have places to go and people to see! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
So tell me, are you taking a trip with trains, planes or automobiles this weekend? Do you love Rocky Road too? What’s your Sunday night ritual? Have you ever been to Betty’s? Do you love afternoon tea too? Have you got a favourite party game? What’s the best airline food you’ve ever eaten?
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.