I’m back on Australian terra firma and it’s true what they say, there’s no place like home! Thanks to lorry loads of lollies, three free seats and some of my happy pills, I arrived home remarkably refreshed. That was until the jet lag kicked in! Anyways, let’s move on to happier things and hop on down the Rabbit Hole, shall we?
Tomorrow is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day. I am loving the sound of these White Chocolate Reese’s Pieces Peanut Butter Chip Cookies but if you like your chocolate on the dark side, you’ll be wanting to get a batch of these Peanut Butter Choc Chip Cookies in the oven… So much yum!
After spending so much time with my mum’s pooch, Calvin, I am even more dog obsessed than I was before – how is that even possible? So of course, I was all over the dog blogs this week. Shall we start with life lessons you can learn from your dog, then let’s move on to what a dog can teach you about being a lady and to round things up, why having a sick dog is the same as having a sick child. And let’s not forget the guy whose ex-wife left him with nothing but a dog. What he did next, has to be seen to be believed!
Gotta love a blog post that makes you think and this one is a cracker. Is trying to be the best version of yourself actually a really bad idea? That is the question.
I don’t know whether it’s because I’ve spent so much time on aeroplanes of late or because winter is upon us but gee, my lips are dry. I think this guide for the best lip balms this winter will come in very handy. Here in Australia, the mercury is plummeting and there’s more cold and flu going around than you can shake a stick at. I’m bookmarking these winter cold and flu remedies, just in case!
There’s been much talk of hairstyles in these parts of late, but let’s move on to the topic of hairbrushes. I have a few on the go and they’re all pretty feral. This could all change though, not because I’m going to buy shiny new ones, but because I’ve found an environmentally friendly and inexpensive way to clean hairbrushes.
I shopped til I dropped in the UK and filled up every last centimetre in my suitcase. Fitting everything in to my case was easy compared to fitting everything into my wardrobe. I see a clothes cull in my future so I’m saving this handy infographic on how to weed out your closet.
I don’t entertain that much and certainly not for big numbers, because let’s just say our flat is a little “bijou.” But I bookmarked these 10 Rules of Easy Entertaining because I think they’ll come in handy whether I’m entertaining a couple or a crowd.
Now I don’t know about your neck of the woods but it’s a long weekend here because it’s the Queen’s birthday! The irony is not lost on me that now I live in Australia, I get a day off to celebrate which I never did when I lived in England! It tickles me so much I wrote a post about it once. Three days off is thrice as nice, don’t you think? Liz never invited me to her party but I thought I should brush up on my etiquette all the same, here are 25 etiquette rules everyone should know, just in case we get on the guest list next year!
Are you enjoying a three day weekend? What’s on your weekend agenda? Have you learned any life lessons from your pet? Do you use a lip balm you’d recommend? Have you got a go-to cold or flu remedy? Hairbrushes – how often do you clean yours? Do you love entertaining? Tell me all the things, ‘kay?
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.