Hello there and welcome to the weekend! The Birthday Festival is well under way in our house. It’s David’s Birthday tomorrow so I am trying to pull off the delicate business of secret cake making. It turns out it’s quite tricky making a “surprise” cake in an open plan living space. Anyhoo, let’s get down to bunny hole business, shall we?
So not only is tomorrow David’s birthday (and we’ll get to be the same age for six days,) but it’s also Eat Your Beans Day. I’m loving the look of this Mexican Style Black Bean Salad, this gluten free, dairy free Magic Bean Cake and as it’s David’s birthday it would be remiss of me not to include his favourite homemade Baked Beans. Once you’ve made your own baked beans, there’s no going back to their canned cousins. Just sayin’!
If you’re on school holidays or even if you’re not, you should totally check out this list of 10 School Holiday Snack Ideas (sweet and savoury) not because 2 of them are mine but because they’re all totally delicious!
Although I went to work for two days this week, I do spend most of my time at home. I have bucket loads of enthusiasm but the attention span of a flea so I need to find ways to work from home and stay productive and sane.
I can’t believe Game of Thrones is already over. Jon Snow was right about one thing though, winter is here. Brrr! I can console myself that I still have season 4 of Orange is the New Black to look forward to. In fact, I think you will be surprised how parenting is like Orange is the New Black – a post of pure genius!
There were lots of important reminders about being good humans around the interwebs this week. First up, life lessons learned from a morning with Rosie Batty. In other news, why it’s important to be that person… Because bad things happen when good people do nothing. Don’t forget the little things because “the little things mean a lot. When you add up all the little things, they make a big difference.” Finally, I don’t know about you but I’m always at a loss for words when someone has lost a special someone so although I hope I don’t have to say or hear them for a very long time, here are 5 things to remember when someone you love loses someone they love.
This time in two months we’ll almost be up, up and away on our holidays so I’m pinning travel tips like a crazy thing. These 11 tips for surviving a long haul flight are some of my all time faves and I think these 10 ways to save money while travelling will come in very handy!
It’s not a Rabbit Hole without a reference to dogs in some shape or form, so here’s 19 mixed breed dogs you won’t believe are real. Number 18’s my favourite, what’s yours?
This weekend I have a cake to make and ye olde hubster’s birthday to celebrate. What’s happening in your world this weekend? Will you eat your beans? What’s your favourite snack? Are you on holidays? Do you have a favourite dog breed? Tell me all the things…
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or The Geeky Shopaholic. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.