There’s so much to celebrate today, not only has the weekend arrived but our rabbit hole adventures just went into triple digits! Welcome to the Centenary Edition!
As if all that wasn’t exciting enough, it’s also National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day! Sandwiches don’t get much better than this and if you want to make your own, check out these French Dip Pastrami Sandwiches, these Baked Pastrami Sandwiches and for those who want to think (or eat) outside of the box, how about this Dill Pickle and Hot Pastrami Deli Pizza?
First I watched The Minimalists documentary and now I’m listening to their podcast. It’s pure gold. It’s all about finding a way to live more with less that works for you. That said, there’s no right way to be a minimalist. Why not check out these six techniques to declutter your home for a satisfying start to the new year and see if any of these tickles your fancy?!
I’m totally on a mission this year to make 2017 my best year yet and am all aboard the self help train. To start with, I’ve joined The Good Life Gang because doesn’t everybody want to make life good? I think this 52 week challenge and my list of 101 things in 1001 days (coming soon) will keep me right on track. Still on the subject of smashing goals and overcoming challenges, as Bec so rightly points out yes you can.
Feeling good is as much about mental health as physical health so even though I know the new year is now not-so-new I’m loving these tips on how to beat the post holiday blues especially the one about planning a trip, I’m going to be all over that.
Talking of trips, I’m currently in Hobart on a run-cation! Tomorrow we’ll be running the Cadbury 10k because I will always run for chocolate and if I’m lucky I might get another photo with the real life Caramello Koala like I did last year! We’ve got a list of fun runs to enter this year and the 10k will be our first. Do you want to set some running goals and pick some events this year? Here’s how!
This year I want to read more. I’ve rediscovered my love of reading and the local library and these 4 game changing books that could change your life are going to the top of my “must read” list. Reading goals right there.
As much as I love my computer and social media, I really enjoyed spending less time online and more time off it over the holidays. There’s a lot to be said for doing real things with real people, at the end of the day, nothing beats a bit of face to face which is why I heart the idea of these 101 coffee dates with real mates. Here’s to more of that!
It’s been so hot this week, I felt like Olaf in summer. It’s been such an incentive to get up early because it is the only way to beat the heat! I must confess, I love getting up early. Do you? Did you know becoming an early riser will make you happy? You’ll never have a better reason to set the alarm!
And just because a rabbit hole adventure is not a rabbit hole adventure without a canine addition, here’s 25 ways you know your dog loves you.
Now there’s good news and bad news. Let’s eat the frog and do the bad news first, Karin is retiring from her role as Rabbit Hole Host Extraordinaire. Wah! I’ll be forever grateful to her for inviting me along for the rabbity ride and will treasure all the rabbit hole adventures we’ve shared. I’ve got big shoes to fill, that’s all I’m saying. Pass the tissues, please…
Now for the good news. Paula is still on holi-yays (but will be back next week, yay) and also next week, there are two new trusty co-pilots who will join the rabbit hole team, Jess from Confident Life and Shari from Good Food Week. They’re both totally awesome, are regular rabbit holers and I’m so excited to have them on board. The bonus is that whichever blog you link up with, your post will be seen across all four blogs! How cool is that?
So tell me, have you got any goals for the year? Are you an early riser? How do you beat the post holiday blues? Read any game changing books lately? Tell me all the things!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Karin at Calm to Conniption. Paula at The Geeky Shopaholic is moving house but will be back down the rabbit hole very soon. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on both blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.