Well, January flew by in the blink of an eye. I thought 2022 was going to be a virtual breath of fresh air but I have to say, so far it seems that the new year is more of the same old. That said, there were big changes afoot, much to be grateful for and a lot of time spent at home.
Before I jump feet first into February, I’m going to take a look back at the month that was. I’d love it if you joined me.
Baking: This Choc Chip Bread Pudding – one of our faves.
Eating: Our way through the freezer stash.
Cooking: As little as possible because I don’t want to make the kitchen dirty. Ah, selling houses life!
Drinking: Lime cordial and soda. It’s so refreshing.
Opening: Bottles of wine.
Laughing: At Fisk on ABC iview. It’s glorious.
Crying: My way through Afterlife. Ricky Gervais just “gets” grief.
Reading: Not very much at all. Sigh.
Watching: The Rescue on Disney Plus. Amazing!
Listening: To the sound of the water feature as I work on my “desk” on the balcony.

Taking: A month off from the blog and am returning fully refreshed.
Answering: All the questions about our big move in next week’s blog post so if you have anything you want to ask, fire away!
Thinking: A bit too much. Sometimes my brain needs an off button.
Loving: Cuddles with Teddy.
Liking: A decluttered home.
Disliking: La Nina. She has definitely outstayed her welcome.
Smiling: At Teddy admiring himself in the stylist’s furniture. He’s loving himself sick!

Cranking: Up the air conditioning. I am not looking forward to the electricity bill!
Trying: Really hard not to get COVID – it’s like an extreme sport.
Limiting: Going anywhere inside that’s not home.
Shopping: For groceries online. High five to Woolworths for doing such a bang up job!
Avoiding: Watching the news. I just can’t deal with it right now.
Staying: Home mostly.
Feeling: More than a little disappointed with 2022 so far.
Wondering: How excited my mum would be knowing we were coming home.
Missing: My mum so much – can’t believe it’s been 8 months already.

Looking: At English houses online.
Noticing: How different English and Australian properties are.
Booking: Nothing. Unless it’s last minute, it just feels too risky right now.
Getting: A mammogram – one of the joys of being over 50.
Wishing: My knee would get better. I feel like an old crock!
Walking: Very slowly because of said knee.
Hitting: 10000 steps a day despite dodgy knee.
Preparing: The flat for sale.
Donating: So much stuff. It feels so good though.
Marvelling: At how good our place looks with some professional styling.

Cleaning: All. The. Time.
Putting: Our flat on the market.
Selling: Said flat in 5 days after 1 open house!
Celebrating: With bubbles!

Camping: Out at home with very limited furniture!
Hoping: We find a rental that we love!
Looking: Forward to enjoying a little more freedom in February.
Has your 2022 got off to a flying start? Tell me all about it!
Linking up with Denyse for Life This Week