It’s been a month since my last blog post and what an action packed month it’s been! Now that we’re a bit more organised and are a lot more settled, I’m hoping to show up in this little corner of the interwebs a bit more regularly but for now, here’s a bit of an update.
Cooking: In my new kitchen with my new Thermomix and it’s friend! Fun times!

Making: My first batch of British fudge. I can confirm it’s as delicious as the Australian version!
Drinking: So. Much. Tea.
Eating: All the British food we’ve missed out on over the last 14 years!

Wondering: If the novelty of walking round British supermarkets will ever wear off.
Marvelling: At how cheap everything is at our local market.

Moving: Into our new house and loving it.
Getting: Used to stairs. I honestly can’t remember the last time I lived in a 2 story dwelling.
Opening: Up the boxes we shipped way back in February – they’re full of surprises.
Trying: To find space for everything.
Needing: Another declutter me thinks!
Kitting: Out our new digs.
Staying: In this gorgeous Airbnb before we moved in.

Exploring: Our new home town of Stamford.
Discovering: So many hidden treasures in all the little laneways!

Finding: A groomer and a vet for Teddy, amazing coffee and some fab dog friendly pubs.
Unpacking: So much flat pack furniture. So much in fact that now I’m…
Suffering: With tennis elbow in both arms, would you believe? It’s agony.
Feeling: Right at home.
Having: Quality family time with the in-laws and Teddy’s fur cousins in the North East.

Thanking: David’s folks who travelled down and helped us get settled in. The extra pairs of hands were most welcome.
Working: Our way through a mountain of paperwork.
Needing: A few more bottles on our home bar!
Thinking: That we definitely made the right decision.
Investing: In some weather appropriate footwear!

Enjoying: The novelty of having a garden, albeit a very small one!
Turning: Our house into a home.
Joining: The street Whatsapp group – yes, that’s a thing.
Meeting: Some of our new neighbours.
Preparing: To welcome our first ever trick or treaters – nobody comes a knocking when you live in an apartment!
Loving: The friendly locals.
Liking: The unseasonably warm weather and all the autumn colours.

Disliking: The state of British politics.
Realising: That you can change countries but the pollies will still be a bunch of muppets.
Starting: To get very excited about our first cold Christmas in 14 years!
Reading: The Museum of Ordinary People by Mike Gayle. Highly recommend!
Watching: Bad Sisters on Apple TV and loving it.
Listening: To my favourite playlist on Spotify. (Acoustic Hits – Oldies but Goodies in case you’re wondering!)
‘Celebrating’: My 11th cancerversary. It’s hard to believe this was 11 years ago!

Visiting: Some of our oldest friends.
Looking: Forward to catching up with more friends and family over the coming weeks and months.
Missing: All our friends down under and of course, all the Teddy twinning.

Trying: To get my head around the time difference – in reverse!
Wishing: My mum could be here to see this.
Hoping: To be back in the kitchen and back on the blog now that we’re more organised!
Planning: To write a post answering all the questions about the move, if you’ve got any burning questions for me, pop them in the comments!
So that’s all the news from this side of the pond. What’s news with you? Tell me in the comments and while you’re at it, feel free to tell me any miracle cures for tennis elbow and ask your burning UK move questions!