Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Just Say No
Last week, I read this awesome post by the equally awesome Dr Sash and it really resonated with me. Since I had cancer, I am much better at saying no to things I can't or don't want to do, but at [Read More]
Last week, I read this awesome post by the equally awesome Dr Sash and it really resonated with me. Since I had cancer, I am much better at saying no to things I can't or don't want to do, but at [Read More]
Pip from Meet me at Mike's started the Taking Stock series and I love it so. I've taken stock a couple of times this year, first in January and then in June but I was so inspired by Nikki from [Read More]
So I've wanted to go to the Bumbu Bali Cooking School for like, forever. Well, since last year when I came to Bali, which feels like forever. These classes are super popular, have a maximum of only [Read More]
For the past five weeks I have eaten well and travelled often. (My nerves are in tatters after all that flying, let me tell you!) I wish holidays could last forever. But they don't. That's ok [Read More]