Hello friends! Are you pleased to see the weekend? I am. And I’m also very pleased to see you. Shall we hop on down the Rabbit Hole and enjoy the finest that the interwebs has to offer?
Today is National Chocolate Caramel Day, so why not enjoy a taste of Disneyland in your own home with these Disneyland Chocolate Caramel Marshmallows? Or if you feel the need for speed, you might want to whip up this Ultimate Salted Caramel Chocolate Mug Cake. Or if you fancy something egg-stra special, whip up a batch of my Mini Egg Salted Caramel Shortbread because Easter is a-coming!
Let’s talk Easter! Have you got anything egg-citng planned? If you have an egg-cess of Easter eggs at your place you might want to check out these 17 life changing ways to eat Easter Eggs, although if you’re more of a Creme Egg purist, then Shannon’s 10 Cadbury Creme Egg Recipes is going to be right up your Eat Street. If you’re hosting an Easter brunch, you’re sure to be inspired by these 16 must have recipes for Easter brunch. Just between you, me and the rest of the interwebs, I think the chocolate chip bagels have my name on them (and yes, you totally heard that right… Chocolate Chip Bagels!)
While we’re on the subject of brekkie/brunch can we talk about oats for a minute? I’ve been a bit obsessed with them ever since our tete a tete with the dietician when David was on the stroke ward. Did you know about the amazing benefits of oats? If you’re looking for some recipes that taste oats so good, you might want to check out my Overnight Oats, my Honey Oat Bars of this super yummy granola. Or just type oats in the search bar and you’ll be spoilt for choice.
Talking of healthy eating, we’re really starting to learn to love salad and I’m especially loving these 7 salads that are anything but boring.
I think all bloggers will be able to relate to these 10 things bloggers will never be happy with and if you’re not a blogger, this will give you a sneak peek into how your favourite bloggers think!
Have you got a favourite fragrance? If you love a good scent, you’ll want to check out these 7 tips to make your fragrance last longer. They’re quite a revelation! Still on the subject of tips and tricks, how about these 9 secrets of tidy families? Do you do any of these things?
Well, I still can’t stop thinking about holi-yays. You know I’m the world’s worst packer, right? However, that could all change now I know these 7 secrets to never overpacking again. Can leopards change their overpacking spots? Watch this space and I’ll let you know! It’s not just long haul trips that send me into a packing spin, it’s long weekends too, I’m totally bookmarking these tips for how to pack for a long weekend.
When I got my first cancer diagnosis, my friend and trainer Kathy, got me a set of 30 inspirational quote cards, one card for each day of the month. Each day I drew a card and also drew comfort from the words upon them. I’m a sucker for an inspirational quote or two, and if you like inspirational quotes too, you’re going to be spoilt for choice, because here are 100 inspirational quotes that will give you strength during hard times.
That’s it from me for this week. Let’s talk about you! Are you a serial overpacker too? Inspirational quotes – love them or loathe them? Let’s talk oats – how do you like yours? What’s hoppening this weekend? Anything egg-citing?
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.