Taking Stock – April 2024

I know we're already into the yay of May but April was so action packed, I just need to take a breather, grab a cuppa and look back on the month that was. I'd love it if you joined me... Making: [Read More]

In My Kitchen – April 2024

April was a short month but as you'll see it was very sweet. We hosted quite a few visitors, sneaked away for a mini break in London town and I activated baking mode in the kitchen. Let's join Sherry [Read More]

A Little London Mini Break

We can always find an excuse to pop down to London, not that we ever need one. There's so much to eat, see and do in London and we trying new foods and exploring new places is all part of the [Read More]

10 of the Best – Marvellous Muffins

It's been a while between recipe round ups but I'm back with 10 of the best marvellous muffins! Whether you like your muffins sweet or savoury, big or small, whatever you fancy, I've got recipe for [Read More]

Peanut Butter and Banana Mini Loaves

Everyone will go nuts and/or bananas for these delicious peanut butter and banana mini loaves. Lately we've been very big on bananas. Ever since the start of the year - we've been having a banana [Read More]

Taking Stock – March 2024

Well March flew by in the blink of an eye. We had fun with friends both home and away, the fair came to town and Easter came around. March looked a bit like this... Making: Lots of curries for a [Read More]

In My Kitchen – March 2024

It feels like a hot minute since I joined Sherry and friends for In My Kitchen, is it just me or is 2024 flying by? I feel like the first rolls around faster each month. I can't believe it's April 1 [Read More]

Where to Eat in Budapest

Budapest is a foodie's delight with an enormous choice of both international and Hungarian cuisine. Not only is the food excellent in Budapest, it's also very affordable especially when compared with [Read More]

Double Chocolate Hot Cross Brownies

Part choc cross bun, part fudgy brownie - these double chocolate brownies are a decadent and delicious Easter treat! Now I know I just posted a recipe for zucchini brownies what seems like 2 [Read More]