Howdee partners! Here in Australia we’re slap bang in the middle of the Anzac weekend and very wonderful it is too. Whether your weekend days number three or two, Freckles Bunny and I hope your weekend is good to you!
First, can we take a step back in time, because yesterday was Jelly Bean Day. All hail, the mighty jelly bean! If you love jelly beans as much as me, you’re going to love this Jelly Bean Popcorn, this Jelly Bean Bark and my personal favourite, the Jelly Bean Martini! Cheers m’dears!
Now that the weather is getting cooler, my slow cooker is getting a thorough workout. Last week, I poached pears in vanilla and red wine, and this week I made Beef , Date and Spinach Tagine and a Golden Veggie Shepherd’s Pie and now I’m keen to get on to the sweet stuff, check out these 19 tasty desserts you can make in your slow cooker.
While we’re on the subject of dinner, here are 9 fun ways to make last night’s dinner with an egg on it. Egg-cellent! You know what they say waste not, want not!
There was so much goodness around the interwebs this week. I loved this post about why women need their tribe, and especially the TED talk at the end, because LILY and JANE! The world needs more Lily and Jane, and they aren’t the only ones talking about female friendships. I’ve had so much fun this week catching up with the Mummy Soul Sessions, where in episode 4 Dr Sash and Karin talked about the importance of adult friendships; how to find them, how to keep them and how to get rid of them!
While we’re sharing the love for my clever co-hosts, Shannon has 8 great ways to stay healthy this winter.
Talking of healthy, I love the idea that travel can improve your creativity and improve your health. I think a little adventure whether it be near or far, big or small, travelling is fun for all!
With life moving so fast and the epidemic of busy, I can’t help but feel that we sometimes miss opportunities to talk about the important stuff with our parents, our grandparents, and older family members. There are some things that only they can answer, and when they leave this life, they take their answers with them. I often wish I’d asked my nana more questions and been a better listener to her stories. I wish I’d had these 24 questions to ask your parents back in the day. I’m going to give my mum a right grilling when I get home and I’m going to make sure I remember each and every one of her answers. (Mum, if you’re reading this, you’ve had your warning!)
Still, on the subject of no regrets, here’s to forging your own path and listening to your heart. We all need to do more of that!
Lastly, in the spirit of keeping it real, these recreations of celebrity Instagrams by comedian Celeste Barber are so spot on! The getting out of the pool is my far and away favourite, what’s yours?
Happy Weekend y’all!
Got any grand plans for the weekend? My favourite jelly bean colour is white, what’s yours? Have you got a slow cooker? If so, what do you cook in yours? What question would you most like to ask your grand/parents? Tell me all the things!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.