Zucchini, Lime and Pepita Loaf

A few weeks ago I was sick, like really sick, but not sick enough that I couldn't bake. I was sick enough to go to the doctor though but of course, I couldn't go empty handed. I get quite anxious if I [Read More]

Taking Stock – August

Despite a sickly start, August turned out to be pretty awesome. And here's why. Let's take stock like Pip did! Baking: This Plum and Orange Baked Cheesecake. So easy but so yum! Making: My [Read More]

Beef and Red Wine Pies

Makes 4 - 6 (depending on size of  dish) We're long time pie lovers, just pop the word "pie" in the search box if you don't believe me. However, since we've been weight watching, pies are [Read More]

How to Make a Lion Guard Cake

Shall I tell you a secret? I didn't even know what The Lion Guard was until my soon to be three year old godson asked for a Lion Guard cake for his birthday. The good news is that you don't have to [Read More]

No Bake Crunchy Lunchbox Treats

Makes 12 cupcake sized treats I love packing a lunch box and even though we have a long and delicious list of lunch box favourites, I'm always dreaming of new additions. Some days, and when I [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – August 2017

Even though there is no one to play pictures with in this month's 10 on 10 Photography Circle, I started this year's project, so I'll finish this year's project, even if it's all on my [Read More]

Chocolate Birthday Cake

This year we were on holi-yays with our gorgeous godson when he turned three so we got to wake up en famille and enjoy all the birthday excitement. We had big plans for a big cake for his birthday [Read More]

She’s So Inspiring – Talya Goding

My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they  choose to live it have really inspired me.  A few years ago, I started the She’s So Inspiring series to [Read More]