Taking Stock – August 2021

Well, we made it through August and all of it was in lockdown! The case numbers seem to be going from bad to worse but we've been knuckling down, following the rules and although every day hasn't been [Read More]

10 Delicious Low Iodine Dinners

A low iodine diet is usually on the menu for thyroid cancer patients waiting for scans or treatment with radioactive iodine. The diet itself can be quite restrictive especially when eating processed [Read More]

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Turn carrot cake, an afternoon favourite into these utterly scrumptious cupcakes. These carrot cake cupcakes are super quick, super easy and totally delicious with or without the frosting. I just [Read More]

Slow Cooker Beef in Stout

In this dish, cooking the beef in stout gives the sauce an incredible rich flavour and the meat is so tender it just falls apart. I am super excited to share this recipe with you because it's [Read More]

Taking Stock – July 2021

I think the look on Teddy and Paolo's faces pretty much sum up my feelings about July. It definitely didn't go as  planned. The good news was I got out of quarantine, the bad news was I went [Read More]