I can’t believe we’re more than a quarter of the way through the year already. I have a theory that the older I get, the faster the time passes. I wonder, is that just me?!
I know we’re actually in April but I’m a bit on the back foot and only just getting around to take stock and muse on March. I’d love it if you joined me!
Cooking: Up a storm. This delicious Greek Style Fish Traybake has been on high rotation at our place.

Eating: Lots of cheese.
Drinking: Lots of wine.
Baking: This delicious Melt and Mix Weetbix Slice.

Making: These delicious Turkey and Pumpkin Dog Treats – the pups go wild for them.
Ending: The Great Dumpling Famine of 2022!

Weekending: In the Blue Mountains – such a treat!
Staying: At this gorgeous house in Katoomba.

Wanting: To book some more getaways but having commitment issues (and Covid anxiety!)
Buying: These gorgeous port glasses as a souvenir from my Blue Mountains adventures.

Indulging: In some dog shopping – it’s very therapeutic.
Sending: My Thermomix off for a service times two, first to Brisbane and now to Perth. Wah!

Feeling: Really anxious – the world is so weird right now.
Trying: To monitor how much and what kind of news I consume.
Worrying: About the people of Ukraine.
Hoping: For peace… And soon.
Getting: My hair done after a very long six months.

Watching: Bad Vegan, Worst Roommate Ever and rewatching series 1 of Bridgerton so I can fully appreciate season 2!
Seeing: Six the Musical at the Opera House – it was such a treat!

Sharing: Some easy ways to donate or recycle pre-loved stuff.
Needing: To exercise more.
Training: Teddy to sleep in his crate with very mixed results.
Entertaining: Hooman and pup friends and loving it.
Laughing: At Teddy and his pal Scotch in their matching rain suits!

Missing: My mum. 10 months gone and my first UK Mother’s Day without her.
Scaling: Back the blog posts from 2 to 1 each week – Monday will be the new Blog Day!
Catching: Up with friends in my computer in real life – seeing Lisa Marie in the mountains was such a treat!

Enjoying: High rise living.
Loving: A change of scenery in the mountains.
Liking: Having more time in the kitchen.
Disliking: The never ending rain.
Wishing: The rain would stop.
Contemplating: Building an ark if the rains continue. Teddy is one step ahead!

Wearing: A mask even if sometimes it feels like I’m the only one.
Dodging: Covid – it feels like an art form.
Looking: Forward to April and it’s relative abundance of public holidays!
So now I’ve told you about my March, I’d love to hear about yours!