These days my blog posts are like buses – you wait ages for one and then two come along at once! I’m really trying to get back into my blogging groove so last week I shared what’s been in my kitchen and this week I’m back with an action packed rewind/recap of the month that was. February was really a Fabruary and here’s why!
Baking: Lime puffs. When life gives me limes, that’s what I make!
Making: This Cheat’s Tiramisu – so easy and so delicious!

Blogging: Three times to take stock, to commemorate our 16th wedding anniversary and to share the yummy Tiramisu recipe.
Wondering: If I can keep this bloggy business up.
Flipping: Pancakes galore in my new pancake pan.
Cooking: Chicken pot pie.

Waiting: For daylight saving so I can take some decent photos and share the recipe.
Eating: Our first Thai food since we left Australia. Too bad we had to travel 2 hours to Norwich to get it!

Drinking: Endless cups of tea like a real life English person.
Putting: Myself out there looking for local puppers on the Cavapoo UK Facebook group!
Noticing: How cavapoos can look so different. Teddy and Bertie are both cavapoos but Bertie is twice the size!

Walking: Through the countryside with the Poos of Stamford.
Reaching: My goal of 10000 steps (almost) every day.
Starting: Working out with Joe Wicks.
Hoping: I can keep it up!
Loving: All the flowers we’ve received this month from friends and family.

Liking: The unseasonably mild double digit temperatures!
Disliking: The news.
Updating: My about me page. Finally!
Celebrating: 16 years of marriage – what an achievement!

Hosting: Fabulous friends here in Stamford.
Playing: Tour guide showing them all the sights and secret spots!

Weekending: In Norwich.
Visiting: The beautiful Wells on Sea.

Enjoying: Some quality Vitamin Sea.
Staying: In this fabulous dog friendly Airbnb. I especially loved the kitchen.

Exploring: Some of Norwich’s best dog friendly spots.
Catching: Up with Rufus the Toy Cavoodle and his mum who moved from Sydney a couple of months before us.

Finding: A lovely new hairdresser (but I still felt like I was cheating on my old one!)
Getting: A new manicure, ah, those new nail feels!

Watching: Blackbird (Apple TV) and Dopesick (Disney) – neither are light viewing but both are fabulous.
Smelling: My new “oodle” reed diffuser. Oh, so cute!

Checking: Out our new cinema to see A Man Called Otto which I highly recommend!
Seeing: The cover band Supersonic Queen at the local theatre – so much fun!

Buying: My first Masala Dabba spice box and am so excited. Kitchen goals!
Bringing: These two plant pots home with me. I could not resist!

Linking: Up with Sherry for this month’s In My Kitchen – so much deliciousness in one spot!
Wearing: My Winnie the Pooh slippers after my Care Bear slippers went to Slipper Heaven.

Feeling: Really lucky to have landed here in Stamford.
Was your February fab or a flop? Tell me all the things!