Search Results for: dharish

Dharish’s Minced Lamb Curry

Serves 4 This traditional spiced mince curry is also known as Lamb Keema.  It's traditionally made with peas (and or potatoes) and is delicious served with rice or roti. Remember [Read More]

Dharish’s Chicken Curry

Serves 4 When we lived in London we lived in an area with a curry house on every corner. However, we rarely ate out at an Indian restaurant because Dharish lived around the corner and her curries [Read More]

In My Kitchen – March 2024

It feels like a hot minute since I joined Sherry and friends for In My Kitchen, is it just me or is 2024 flying by? I feel like the first rolls around faster each month. I can't believe it's April 1 [Read More]

Taking Stock – October 2023

With everything going on in the world, I really haven't felt like writing anything this month. However, taking stock is my bloggy constant and so here I am. Baking: A jam sponge pudding in my new [Read More]

In My Kitchen – October 2023

Well October flew by in the blink of an eye and I'm back for this month's In My Kitchen with Sherry and friends. I'm not going to lie, I've been very heavy hearted this month. The news has really got [Read More]

In My Kitchen – March 2023

Pinch, punch, it's the first of the month which means I'm joining Sherry and friends for a round up of what's been in my kitchen. First off, I signed up for a year's subscription with Joe Wicks - [Read More]

Taking Stock – May 2022

Look at the two Teddys sailing their way out of May. Month ends do not come any cuter than this, I tell you! I don't know how it got to be the end of May already but here we are on the penultimate [Read More]