Search Results for: netflix

Taking Stock – April 2024

I know we're already into the yay of May but April was so action packed, I just need to take a breather, grab a cuppa and look back on the month that was. I'd love it if you joined me... Making: [Read More]

Taking Stock – March 2024

Well March flew by in the blink of an eye. We had fun with friends both home and away, the fair came to town and Easter came around. March looked a bit like this... Making: Lots of curries for a [Read More]

Taking Stock – February 2024

February was full of fun, friends and food - the perfect recipe for a marvellous month. I'm ready to fully embrace the march into March but first let's take stock of the month that was. Baking: A [Read More]

Taking Stock – January 2024

Well that's the first month of the year done and dusted. January here was cold and quiet but there was still plenty to warm the cockles of the heart. Here's a quick look back at the month that was. [Read More]

Taking Stock – December 2023

Happy New Cheer one and all! Hope 2024 has been good to you so far. I'm a bit on the back foot because here I am well into 2024 taking a look back at 2023. We had a December to remember for all the [Read More]

Taking Stock – October 2023

With everything going on in the world, I really haven't felt like writing anything this month. However, taking stock is my bloggy constant and so here I am. Baking: A jam sponge pudding in my new [Read More]

Taking Stock – June 2023

I know we're already a third of the way through July but here I am with my full and thorough reporting on the month of June. I'm sticking to my theory of better late than never so without further ado, [Read More]