The Word Tsunami
So today, on the way to Woolworths I had an epiphany. I wish I could say it was while I was watching the sunrise over the Opera House or during a mellow moment of contemplation by a running brook, but [Read More]
So today, on the way to Woolworths I had an epiphany. I wish I could say it was while I was watching the sunrise over the Opera House or during a mellow moment of contemplation by a running brook, but [Read More]
(low iodine) Serves 2 This Maple-Glazed Chicken is a winner, winner chicken dinner because it's quick, easy and super yum! After a couple of weeks of super bland food on the low iodine [Read More]
Serves 4 (low iodine) This delicious dip is gluten free, dairy free, vegan, low fat and low iodine, so everyone can have their dip and eat it. I remember this as one of the edible highlights of the [Read More]
It’s business as usual. Just grocery shopping, washing, ironing; the regular weekend duties of a domestic goddess! I think I’ve found an organic bread with uniodised salt in the local supermarket . I [Read More]
If I things had been different, this would have been the day I would have been leaving London to return to sunny Sydney but as it is, it’s my last day at work for a while. Either way I guess, I’m [Read More]
I am out of iodine free bread so make a pilgrimage to the local organic bakery after work. The weather is wild – wet and rainy but nothing is going to come between me and my favourite carb! There is [Read More]
I got such a lovely surprise when I got to work! On my desk, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my friend ,Vincent. He was one of the first students I taught when I came to UEC and we’ve [Read More]
Serves 4 (low iodine) This low iodine, low fat slow cooker dish is a winner, winner, chicken dinner! It's simple, satisfying and totally delicious. This is one of my oldest and most loved slow [Read More]
This quick and easy Lemon Garlic Chicken is ready in 20 minutes and is a winner, winner, chicken dinner! I'd forgotten how quick and easy this moreish midweek meal is until I recently made it for [Read More]
It’s time for my Vocal Chords to get the once over. The ENT doctor is a big, jolly Italian man and he remembers me from last time. He seems genuinely surprised to see me again so soon and gives me [Read More]