The Lucky Ones

Last week I had my annual battery of tests and my yearly tete a tete with my endo. The news was good. I still have thyroid antibodies but they are proving that the old adage true, what goes up, must [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #95

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions but  it ended on a high with some good news from the endo at my annual check up and for that I am very, very grateful. I am so ready for the weekend. [Read More]

Festive Christmas Brownies

These festive brownies have the classic Christmas trifecta of pistachio, cranberry and white chocolate. It's no secret how much I love a brownie, in fact, I don't think I ever met a brownie I didn't [Read More]

Taking Stock – November

It's almost the end of November which means two things... Christmas is a-coming and it's it’s time to take stock just like Pip did. Let's do it! Making: Triple Chocolate Fudge. Three kinds of [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #94

Howdee rabbit holers? I do hope things are tickety boo with you. I'm taking the rabbit hole on tour this week as I'm up the coast enjoying a weekend getaway at a place where there are no cars and no [Read More]

Triple Chocolate Festive Fudge

Makes 30-40 squares First there was the Fantastic Fudge and then there was this. This will raise your fudge game to a whole new level. Fudgegasm guaranteed! The fudge I make is pretty [Read More]

A Blogaversary and a Giveaway!

Five years ago life threw me a major curveball and my doctor gave me my second cancer diagnosis. I found myself with a diary full of doctors appointments, a surgery that left me walking like an [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #93

It's a whopper of a weekend here. My trusty co-pilot Karin is here in da house, and when I say da house I mean my house! Squee!  We're having a fun packed few days, hopping all over town, seeing the [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – November 2016

Well, what do you know, it’s the 10th of the month already! Of course, that means I’m joining in with this month’s Clever Cookie Photography Circle, which is more like a triangle because there's only [Read More]

7 Must Visit Bars in San Francisco

When I'm on my home turf, I have a penchant for small (AKA hidden) bars and bars with a view. The higher the bar, the more I like it, which is really strange considering how much I hate heights. If [Read More]