Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Walt Disney
Today is the day. I'm off to Disneyland. I really hope Walt is right. I've dreamt about running the Disneyland Half Marathon since my first cancer diagnosis, and now, more than 3 years later, I'm [Read More]
Today is the day. I'm off to Disneyland. I really hope Walt is right. I've dreamt about running the Disneyland Half Marathon since my first cancer diagnosis, and now, more than 3 years later, I'm [Read More]
Oh my goodness. I am so excited. We leave for the Big Trip tomorrow. Tomorrow. My brain is so busy. I am so busy. So much to do and so little time in which to do it. I can hardly sleep for all the [Read More]
Serves 6-8 generously So this is what happens when you have some yoghurt looking lonely in the fridge and you need to make a birthday cake for a friend who eats egg-free. Yay for yoghurt! I saw [Read More]
In less than 11 days I will have run my dream come true. I will have completed the Disneyland Half Marathon. There will be a Mickey Mouse medal to be won, but for now there is training to be done. I'm [Read More]
My brain is so busy. I am (literally) dreaming of Disney. The countdown is so on. There is so much to do and so little time in which to do it (including running 21km in the land where dream comes [Read More]
As if life couldn't get any more exciting, last week I got an award. A real life virtual award. The uber awesome Jim and Christina of Mr and Mrs Romance nominated me for the Liebster Award. The [Read More]
These muffins are super easy and super delicious and can be whipped up at a moment's notice. Best of all, they're easy to make without a Thermomix too. You can find the regular recipe here. Makes [Read More]
I was so sad to hear about Robin Williams, a man who was so funny on the outside but so sad on the inside. Talking of funny, some people have such a funny attitude towards depression, don't you [Read More]
I first saw this post over at Woogsworld and thought it such fun, I wanted to play along too. So did Sonia at Sonia Styling, Jackie at Hippie Mumma and Annette at I give you the verbs. Of course, I'm [Read More]
Serves 4 Looking for a delicious meat-free alternative to Shepherd's Pie? This is it! I love meatless versions of my favourite meaty meals but I've got this weird thing where faux meat or faux [Read More]