I’m so on the back foot this year hence which is why I’m about to look back on November in the heart of December!
Even though I’m so tardy, I couldn’t not look back on the month that was, if for no other reason than to help me remember what went down. My memory sure ain’t what it used to be!
So working on the premise that it’s better late than never, here’s November in a nutshell, or at least in a blog post!
Making: These Easy Cheesy Chicken, Mustard and Spinach Scrolls – they’re oldies but goodies.

Baking: Not very much at all. Who even am I?
Cooking: Old favourites like spag bol – this is my favourite recipe.
Eating: Food that I haven’t had to cook myself. The best!
Drinking: Wine out of my new wine glass.

Dining: Out at Mr Wong’s for a belated 50th birthday dinner.
Rounding: Up 10 moreish main meal salads.

Losing: My blogging and baking mojo. I’m just not feeling it.
Reviewing: 25 fabulous festive films – that’s one for every day of December until Christmas!
Sharing: This quick and easy recipe for Baked Orange Mustard Fish.

Hurting: My knee but sadly there’s nothing to make it better, except rest!
Walking: Not very far.
Watching: The Dog House on Channel 10. I love it so!
Crying: Almost all the way through of All My Life on Prime Video – tissues are definitely required.
Reading: A Winter in Wonderland by Isla Gordon – it’s a festive delight!
Enjoying: High Tea at Estate Vaucluse House.

Voting: In the local council elections.
Loving: Having Teddy’s sister over for a play date. They look more alike the older they get.

Hosting: Our godson for a weekly sleep over – he’s such great company!
Celebrating: Our 17th meetaversary. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun.

Liking: Long, lighter evenings.
Disliking: The never ending wet weather, it’s really starting to cramp my style.
Attending: An all American extravaganza to celebrate Teddy’s furvourite girls Coco and Cali.

photo credit: @missyandme_photos
Wondering: If and when these Covid capers are ever going to end.
Booking: In for my Covid booster shot – yay!
Opening: The drawers on Teddy’s Hannukah advent calendar!

Lighting: The candles on our Hannukah menorah.
Having: A major declutter – it feels so good.
Selling: Stuff on Marketplace and making good use of Freecycle.
Donating: Two bags to Share the Dignity’s It’s in the Bag campaign – one of my favourite Christmas traditions.

Missing: My mum so much.
Remembering: My mum with a memorial candle. I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already.

Noticing: That I’ve taken less pictures and tried to be more present this month.
Deciding: To move back to the UK for good in 2022.
Dropping: A bit of a bombshell there, that might be a whole blog post for another day!
Training: Teddy to be comfortable in his airline crate.

Stressing: About Teddy’s trip to the UK although it’s more than 9 months away.
Planning: To put our place on the market in the new year.
Hoping: It sells. Eeep!
Feeling: Like there’s a lot to look forward to.
So there was my month in a nutshell. Hope your November was one to remember but for all the right reasons. Tell me all about it!
Linking up with Denyse for Life This Week