Thermomix Baked Beans

In this house eating breakfast for dinner is totally legit. We call it "brinner" and it rhymes with "winner" for a very good reason. Beans are often the hero and almost always feature in the best [Read More]

Pumpkin – 7 Ways

One of the things I love most about living in Australia is eating in season. When I was in the UK I could buy any fresh fruit or veg at any time of the year, at a price, of course. I  figure this is [Read More]

Meatless Monday – Karma Burgers

I first saw this recipe in The Karma Chow  a super awesome vegan cookbook when we first dabbled with plant based recipes. It's been a while inbetween burgers and since then I have I tweaked the recipe [Read More]

Thermomix Beef Risotto

Serves 4 So I've given this recipe a makeover a number of times now and no matter how hard I try, I can't capture the HYF (High Yum Factor) of this dish photographically. I promise you though, [Read More]

Meatless Monday – Mexican Beans

Serves 2-4 (easily doubled) These beans are hearty and wholesome and they freeze fabulously, so cook a batch for tonight and freeze one for later! They're more smoky and sweet than spicy hot so [Read More]

Thermomix Chicken Katsu

Serves 4 Katsu is a Japanese curry where the chicken is breadcrumbed before cooking. I like this version because it’s relatively low fat, and low calorie because the chicken is baked and not fried! [Read More]